Commit f53359d6 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Add clarifying comments for setupAnnotation

parent 90738870
......@@ -164,13 +164,27 @@ module.exports = class Guest extends Annotator
self = this
root = @element[0]
# Anchors for all annotations are in the `anchors` instance property. These
# are anchors for this annotation only. After all the targets have been
# processed these will be appended to the list of anchors known to the
# instance. Anchors hold an annotation, a target of that annotation, a
# document range for that target and an Array of highlights.
anchors = []
# The targets that are already anchored. This function consults this to
# determine which targets can be left alone.
anchoredTargets = []
# These are the highlights for existing anchors of this annotation with
# targets that have since been removed from the annotation. These will
# be removed by this function.
deadHighlights = []
# Initialize the target array. ?= []
locate = (target) ->
# Find a target using the anchoring module.
options = {
cache: self.anchoringCache
ignoreSelector: '[class^="annotator-"]'
......@@ -180,6 +194,7 @@ module.exports = class Guest extends Annotator
.catch(-> {annotation, target})
highlight = (anchor) ->
# Highlight the range for an anchor.
return anchor unless anchor.range?
return animationPromise ->
range = Annotator.Range.sniff(anchor.range)
......@@ -198,35 +213,46 @@ module.exports = class Guest extends Annotator
return anchor
sync = (anchors) ->
# Store the results of anchoring.
annotation.$anchors = ({pos} for {pos} in anchors)
annotation.$orphan = anchors.length > 0
for anchor in anchors
if anchor.range?
annotation.$orphan = false
# Add the anchors for this annotation to instance storage.
self.anchors = self.anchors.concat(anchors)
# Let plugins know about the new information.
# Remove all the anchors for this annotation from the instance storage.
for anchor in self.anchors.splice(0, self.anchors.length)
if anchor.annotation is annotation
# Anchors are valid as long as they still have a range and their target
# is still in the list of targets for this annotation.
if anchor.range? and in
else if anchor.highlights?
# These highlights are no longer valid and should be removed.
deadHighlights = deadHighlights.concat(anchor.highlights)
delete anchor.highlights
delete anchor.range
# These can be ignored, so push them back onto the new list.
deadHighlights = Array::concat(deadHighlights...)
# Remove all the highlights that have no corresponding target anymore.
raf -> highlighter.removeHighlights(deadHighlights)
# Anchor any targets of this annotation that are not anchored already.
for target in when target not in anchoredTargets
anchor = locate(target).then(highlight)
# Wait for all the anchoring tasks to complete then call sync.
return annotation
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