Commit f6a2d4a9 authored by Kyle Keating's avatar Kyle Keating Committed by Kyle Keating

Improve typecheck (annotation-publish-control, annotation-share-control)

parent d4164c52
......@@ -12,11 +12,26 @@ import Menu from './menu';
import MenuItem from './menu-item';
import SvgIcon from '../../shared/components/svg-icon';
* @typedef {import('../../types/api').Annotation} Annotation
* @typedef {import('../../types/config').MergedConfig} MergedConfig
* @typedef AnnotationPublishControlProps
* @prop {Annotation} annotation
* @prop {boolean} [isDisabled]
* - Should the save button be disabled? Hint: it will be if the annotation has no content
* @prop {() => any} onSave - Callback for save button click
* @prop {MergedConfig} settings - Injected service
* Render a compound control button for publishing (saving) an annotation:
* - Save the annotation — left side of button
* - Choose sharing/privacy option - drop-down menu on right side of button
* @param {AnnotationPublishControlProps} props
function AnnotationPublishControl({
......@@ -32,6 +47,12 @@ function AnnotationPublishControl({
const setDefault = useStore(store => store.setDefault);
const removeAnnotations = useStore(store => store.removeAnnotations);
if (!group) {
// If there is no group, then don't render anything as a missing group
// may mean the group is not loaded yet.
return null;
const isPrivate = draft ? draft.isPrivate : !isShared(annotation.permissions);
const publishDestination = isPrivate ? 'Only Me' :;
......@@ -114,17 +135,8 @@ function AnnotationPublishControl({
AnnotationPublishControl.propTypes = {
annotation: propTypes.object.isRequired,
* Should the save button be disabled?
* Hint: it will be if the annotation has no content
isDisabled: propTypes.bool,
/** Callback for save button click */
onSave: propTypes.func.isRequired,
/** services */
settings: propTypes.object.isRequired,
......@@ -11,8 +11,27 @@ import useElementShouldClose from './hooks/use-element-should-close';
import ShareLinks from './share-links';
import SvgIcon from '../../shared/components/svg-icon';
* @typedef {import('../../types/api').Annotation} Annotation
* @typedef {import('../../types/api').Group} Group
* @typedef AnnotationShareControlProps
* @prop {Annotation} annotation - The annotation in question
* @prop {Group} [group] -
* Group that the annotation is in. If missing, this component will not render.
* FIXME: Refactor after root cause is addressed.
* See
* @prop {string} shareUri - The URI to view the annotation on its own
* @prop {Object} analytics - Injected service
* @prop {Object} toastMessenger - Injected service
* "Popup"-style component for sharing a single annotation.
* @param {AnnotationShareControlProps} props
function AnnotationShareControl({
......@@ -135,18 +154,9 @@ function AnnotationShareControl({
AnnotationShareControl.propTypes = {
/* The annotation in question */
annotation: propTypes.object.isRequired,
/** group that the annotation is in
* If missing, this component will not render
* FIXME: Refactor after root cause is addressed
* See
group: propTypes.object,
/** The URI to view the annotation on its own */
shareUri: propTypes.string.isRequired,
/* services */
analytics: propTypes.object.isRequired,
toastMessenger: propTypes.object.isRequired,
......@@ -70,6 +70,12 @@ describe('AnnotationPublishControl', () => {
it('should not render if group is missing', () => {
const wrapper = createAnnotationPublishControl();
describe('theming', () => {
it('should apply theme styles', () => {
const fakeStyle = { foo: 'bar' };
......@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
// Remove them from this list as they are resolved.
......@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
* @prop {string} logo
* @prop {boolean} isMember
* @prop {boolean} isScopedToUri
* @prop {string} name
* @prop {boolean} canLeave
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