Commit f8df5d99 authored by Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar Lyza Danger Gardner Committed by Lyza Gardner

Convert Tutorial component to tailwind

Tutorial needed a little adjustment after preflight enabled, so it has
been fully converted to tailwind at this time.
parent 241a3053
import { Icon } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import { Icon, Link } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { isThirdPartyService } from '../helpers/is-third-party-service';
import { withServices } from '../service-context';
......@@ -14,10 +15,13 @@ import { withServices } from '../service-context';
function TutorialInstruction({ commandName, iconName }) {
return (
<span className="Tutorial__instruction">
<span className="whitespace-nowrap">
classes="hyp-u-margin--right--1 hyp-u-color--grey-6 u-inline Tutorial__icon"
'mx-1 -mt-1', // Give horizontal space; pull up top margin a little
'text-color-text-light inline'
......@@ -30,40 +34,38 @@ function TutorialInstruction({ commandName, iconName }) {
function Tutorial({ settings }) {
const canCreatePrivateGroups = !isThirdPartyService(settings);
return (
<ol className="Tutorial__list">
<li className="Tutorial__item">
<ol className="list-decimal pl-10 space-y-2">
To create an annotation, select text and then select the{' '}
<TutorialInstruction iconName="annotate" commandName="Annotate" />{' '}
<li className="Tutorial__item">
To create a highlight (
rel="noopener noreferrer"
visible only to you
), select text and then select the{' '}
<TutorialInstruction iconName="highlight" commandName="Highlight" />{' '}
{canCreatePrivateGroups && (
<li className="Tutorial__item">
To annotate in a private group, select the group from the groups
dropdown. Don&apos;t see your group? Ask the group creator to send a{' '}
rel="noopener noreferrer"
join link
<li className="Tutorial__item">
To reply to an annotation, select the{' '}
<TutorialInstruction iconName="reply" commandName="Reply" /> button.
@use '../../variables' as var;
@use '../../mixins/layout';
@use '../../mixins/utils';
.Tutorial {
&__list {
@include layout.vertical-rhythm(var.$layout-space--xsmall);
&__icon {
margin-bottom: -1px; // Pull the icon a little toward the baseline
&__instruction {
white-space: nowrap; // Keep icons and their associated names on the same line
......@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
@use './components/ThreadList';
@use './components/ToastMessages';
@use './components/TopBar';
@use './components/Tutorial';
@use './components/VersionInfo';
// Make the shared package utility styles available
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