Commit ff584f37 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Clarifying comments in PDF plugin

parent 26fa8657
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class PDF extends Annotator.Plugin
@documentLoaded = Promise.resolve()
@observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => this.update())
@observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => this._update())
@observer.observe(@pdfViewer.viewer, {
attributes: true
attributeFilter: ['data-loaded']
......@@ -58,28 +58,41 @@ class PDF extends Annotator.Plugin
return {title, link}
update: ->
# This method (re-)anchors annotations when pages are rendered and destroyed.
_update: ->
{annotator, pdfViewer} = this
stableAnchors = []
pendingAnchors = []
# A list of annotations that need to be refreshed.
refreshAnnotations = []
# Check all the pages with text layers that have finished rendering.
for page in pdfViewer.pages when page.textLayer?.renderingDone
div = page.div ? page.el
placeholder = div.getElementsByClassName('annotator-placeholder')[0]
# Detect what needs to be done by checking the rendering state.
switch page.renderingState
when RenderingStates.INITIAL
# This page has been reset to its initial state so its text layer
# is no longer valid. Null it out so that we don't process it again.
page.textLayer = null
when RenderingStates.FINISHED
# This page is still rendered. If it has a placeholder node that
# means the PDF anchoring module anchored annotations before it was
# rendered. Remove this, which will cause the annotations to anchor
# again, below.
if placeholder?
# Find all the anchors that have been invalidated by page state changes.
for anchor in annotator.anchors when anchor.highlights?
# Skip any we already know about.
if anchor.annotation in refreshAnnotations
# If the highlights are no longer in the document it means that either
# the page was destroyed by PDF.js or the placeholder was removed above.
# The annotations for these anchors need to be refreshed.
for hl in anchor.highlights
if not document.body.contains(hl)
delete anchor.highlights
......@@ -89,9 +102,6 @@ class PDF extends Annotator.Plugin
for annotation in refreshAnnotations
Annotator.Plugin.PDF = PDF
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