1. 14 Jul, 2016 2 commits
    • Robert Knight's avatar
      Update Page Notes label and empty state text · 77de66ac
      Robert Knight authored
      Following feedback and design review, change the label from 'Notes' to
      'Page Notes' to better distinguish notes from annotations and make the
      empty state text for the Annotations tab more helpful by explaining to
      users how to create a new annotation.
    • Robert Knight's avatar
      Fix empty tab state message being clipped · 4a0e3a9d
      Robert Knight authored
      Shift the 'No annotations in this group' message down slightly to
      prevent the border from being clipped.
      Also prevent text selection in the tabs.
  2. 13 Jul, 2016 14 commits
  3. 12 Jul, 2016 3 commits
  4. 11 Jul, 2016 3 commits
    • Robert Knight's avatar
      Make Annotation and Notes tab bar sticky · 20bb1114
      Robert Knight authored
      Make Annotation and Notes tab bar stick to top of the viewport when the
      annotation list is scrolled down.
      This relies on support for `position: sticky` which is available in
      recent versions of Firefox and Safari*. On browsers where
      `position: sticky` is not supported, the tab bar will just scroll
      off-screen when scrolling the annotation list down.
      Because annotation cards may now be displayed under the tabs, add a
      background color, Z index and negative horizontal margin to the tabs
      component so that any part of an annotation card under the tab bar is
      not visible.
      * In Chrome v52 this feature is available but only when the
        'Experimental web platform features' flag is on.
    • Robert Knight's avatar
      Merge pull request #24 from hypothesis/selection_tabs · ff2ae2ba
      Robert Knight authored
      Selection tabs tweaks.
    • Sheetal Umesh Kumar's avatar
      Selection tabs tweaks. · 8ef41ed3
      Sheetal Umesh Kumar authored
      Fix PR comments including some UI tweaks and bug fixes.
      Hide no annotations/notes message when annotations are still loading.
      When the annotations are still loading, a 0 annotations message shows for a flash of a
      second before the list loads. Avoid this by only displaying the 0 state after the
      annotations have finished loading.
      If selected annotation/note is deleted, default selected tab to annotation.
      If a user lands on a direct link for a deleted annotation, the button to take the user
      back to the list of annotations/notes should by default be for annotations.
      On clearning the selection, filter annotations according to the selected tab type.
      Fix broken standalone page for notes.
      selectedTab was set to annotations by default, even for standalone pages.
      selectedTab should be undefined for a standalone page because there are no tabs to select from.
      select the annotations tab by default for the sidebar alone.
      Change copy for empty annotaitons/notes state.
  5. 08 Jul, 2016 2 commits
  6. 07 Jul, 2016 2 commits
  7. 06 Jul, 2016 1 commit
  8. 05 Jul, 2016 13 commits