• Robert Knight's avatar
    Remove Moment.js · a07d0f77
    Robert Knight authored
    Moment.js is only used in a single place, for converting ISO8601 date-time strings
    from the annotation's 'updated' field to user-friendly
    date strings (eg. 'Wednesday 17 Dec, 18:59') for the tooltips
    for the last-updated link in the annotation card.
    Replacing this with functions from the built-in Date object saves
    167KB from the generated bundle size (see
    moment/min/moment-with-locales.min.js) and also speeds up the digest
    cycle. For 20 annotation cards in the /stream view, generating the
    date string used to take 6-7ms with Moment. It takes <2ms with
    the built in functions in a current build of Chrome.
    This still shows up as the most expensive watch expression, so
    we might want to add caching as well.
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