• Sean Hammond's avatar
    Improve AnnotationSync test names · 877fb348
    Sean Hammond authored
    Rename all the tests to better reflect what they actually test.
    Mostly replacing broadcast local event bus publisher proxying with
    "calls function", plus a couple of other clarifications.
        channel event handlers
          the "deleteAnnotation" event
            ✓ broadcasts the "annotationDeleted" event over the local event bus
            ✓ calls back with a formatted annotation
            ✓ removes an existing entry from the cache before the event is triggered
            ✓ removes the annotation from the cache
          the "loadAnnotations" event
            ✓ publishes the "annotationsLoaded" event
        event handlers
          the "beforeAnnotationCreated" event
            ✓ proxies the event over the bridge
            ✓ returns early if the annotation has a tag
          when "deleteAnnotation" is published
            ✓ calls emit("annotationDeleted")
            ✓ calls the 'deleteAnnotation' event's callback function
            ✓ deletes any existing annotation from its cache before calling emit
            ✓ deletes any existing annotation from its cache
          when "loadAnnotations" is published
            ✓ calls emit("annotationsLoaded")
          when "beforeAnnotationCreated" is emitted
            ✓ calls bridge.call() passing the event
            if the annotation has a $tag
              ✓ does not call bridge.call()
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