• Nick Stenning's avatar
    Clean up Makefile · 73769fe2
    Nick Stenning authored
    This commit moves a couple of helper tasks for developing the frontend
    into the gulpfile, and also improves the automatic installation of
    dependencies and building of assets.
    All that is now required to get a running development server (with built
    frontend assets) from a fresh checkout of the repository is:
        make dev
    Subsequent runs of `make dev` will ensure the JavaScript and Python
    dependencies are up-to-date but will not rebuild the assets unless they
    are either explicitly cleaned,
        make clean dev
    or the developer runs the gulp `watch` task independently (recommended).
    Similarly, from a fresh checkout, it should be possible to run the test
    suite simply by running:
        make test
    Note that this commit removes `gulp-cli` and `karma-cli` from the
    package dependencies -- these packages are not intended to be installed
    in a software distribution, although they can both be installed globally
    to assist with easier dispatch of gulp/karma tasks if needed:
        npm install -g gulp-cli karma-cli
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