• Nick Stenning's avatar
    Tweaks to the frontend build in the Dockerfile · f3d2e836
    Nick Stenning authored
    A couple of related improvements to how we build the Dockerfile:
    1. Don't invalidate the Python dependencies layer just because
       `package.json`, `gulpfile.js` or `scripts/` changed.
    2. Use a prebuilt node-sass binary. The prebuilt binaries supplied by
       the node-sass project aren't compatible with Alpine Linux (which uses
       musl-libc rather than glibc).
    3. Make some small tweaks to the gulpfile so we can build just the
       assets needed for the web application (i.e. skipping the extension).
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h Loading commit data...
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.hound.yml Loading commit data...
.jscsrc Loading commit data...
.jshintignore Loading commit data...
.jshintrc Loading commit data...
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package.json Loading commit data...