multipage-helper.js 4.41 KB
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var path = require('path')
var fs = require("fs")
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')

var moduleList          //缓存多页面模块列表
var moduleRootPath = './src/module' //模块根目录(这个可以根据自己的需求命名)

 * 获取js入口数组
exports.getEntries = function getEntries(){
  var entries = {}
  console.log("*********************************** moduleList ***********************************")
  moduleList.forEach(function (module) {
    if (module.moduleID != "" && module.moduleJS != ""){
      entries[module.moduleID] = module.moduleJS
  console.log("*********************************** entries ***********************************")
  return entries

 * 获取多页面模块列表
 * @returns {模块的信息集合}
exports.getModuleList = function getModuleList() {
  if (moduleList){
    return moduleList
  }else {//为空则读取列表
    moduleList = new Array();
    readDirSync(moduleRootPath, "")
    console.log("*********************************** moduleList ***********************************")
    return moduleList

 * 获取dev的Html模板集合
 * @returns {dev的Html模板集合}
exports.getDevHtmlWebpackPluginList = function getDevHtmlWebpackPluginList(){
  console.log("*********************************** devHtmlWebpackPluginList ***********************************")
  var devHtmlWebpackPluginList = []
  var moduleList = this.getModuleList()
  moduleList.forEach(function (mod) {
    var conf = {
      filename: mod.moduleID+".html",
      template: mod.moduleHTML,
      chunks: [mod.moduleID],
      inject: true
    devHtmlWebpackPluginList.push(new HtmlWebpackPlugin(conf))
  return devHtmlWebpackPluginList

 * 获取prod的Html模板集合
 * @returns {prod的Html模板集合}
exports.getProdHtmlWebpackPluginList = function getProdHtmlWebpackPluginList(){
  console.log("*********************************** prodHtmlWebpackPluginList ***********************************")
  var prodHtmlWebpackPluginList = []
  var moduleList = this.getModuleList()
  moduleList.forEach(function (mod) {
    var conf = {
      filename: mod.moduleID+".html",
      template: mod.moduleHTML,
      inject: true,
      minify: {
        removeComments: true,
        collapseWhitespace: true,
        removeAttributeQuotes: true
        // more options:
      // necessary to consistently work with multiple chunks via CommonsChunkPlugin
      chunksSortMode: 'dependency',
      chunks: ['manifest','vendor',mod.moduleID]
    prodHtmlWebpackPluginList.push(new HtmlWebpackPlugin(conf))
  return prodHtmlWebpackPluginList

 * 深度遍历目录,并整理多页面模块
 * @param path 需要变量的路径
 * @param moduleName 模块名称
function readDirSync(path,moduleName){
  var module = {moduleID:"",moduleHTML:"",moduleJS:""}
  var moduleID = path.replace(moduleRootPath+"/","")
  if (path == moduleRootPath){
    moduleID = ""
  module.moduleID = moduleID
  var pa = fs.readdirSync(path)
    var info = fs.statSync(path+"/"+ele)
      // console.log("dir: "+ele)
      readDirSync(path+"/"+ele, ele)
      if (moduleName+".html" == ele){
        module.moduleHTML = path+"/"+ele
      if (moduleName+".js" == ele){
        module.moduleJS = path+"/"+ele
      // console.log("file: "+ele)
  if ((module.moduleID != "" && module.moduleHTML != "") || (module.moduleID != "" && module.moduleJS != "")){