#1971 bo重新编写文档和demo,确保文档上的demo没有基本错误

parent c2477866
Pipeline #5689 canceled with stages
......@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* Type级Operation声明注解
* BO工厂类,用来创建BO或找到BO
public @interface TypeOperationProvider {
public @interface BizObjectFactory {
Class<? extends BizObject> type();
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public @interface Operation {
String name();
String label() default "";
OperationArg[] args() default {};
package logwire.core.bo.eventhandler;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
public interface TypeOperationEventHandler<X extends BizObject> extends OperationEventHandler {
default void doBefore(Class<X> xClass, Object... args) {
default void doAfter(Class<X> xClass, Object result, Object... args) {
\ No newline at end of file
package logwire.core.bo.factory;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
public interface BizObjectFactoryEventHandler<X extends BizObject> {
String getOperationName();
void doBefore(Class<X> xClass, Object... args);
void doAfter(Class<X> xClass, Object result, Object... args);
\ No newline at end of file
package logwire.core.bo.factory;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
public interface BizObjectFactoryHandler<X extends BizObject> {
String getOperationName();
// 取消enable这个参数,配置文件和程序里都有配置会导致混淆
// 只会从配置文件中读取,只有在配置文件中配置的,才会进行加载
//boolean isEnabled();
//default int getOrder(){return 1000;}
default boolean accept(Class<X> xClass, Object... args) {
return true;
Object execute(Class<X> xClass, Object... args);
package logwire.core.bo.factory;
import logwire.core.bo.annotation.Operation;
import logwire.core.bo.list.BizList;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
import java.util.Map;
* BOFactory默认实现的接口
* @param <X> BO类
public interface DefaultBizObjectFactory<X extends BizObject> {
@Operation(name = "create",label="创建BO对象")
X create();
@Operation(name = "createByDefault")
X createByDefault(Map defaultValues);
@Operation(name = "findById")
X findById(Long id);
@Operation(name = "findOne")
X findOne(Map fields);
/* 暂不支持lql
X find(String query);
X find(String query, List fieldValues);
@Operation(name = "createList")
BizList<X> createList();
@Operation(name = "createListByDefault")
BizList<X> createListByDefault(Map fields);
@Operation(name = "find")
BizList<X> find(Map fields);
/* 暂不支持lql
BizList<X> find(String query);
BizList<X> find(String query, List fieldValues);
@Operation(name = "findAll")
BizList<X> findAll();
/* 暂不支持lql
List<Object> findField(String query, String field);
List<Map> findFields(String query, String...fields);
// 更多Operation
package logwire.core.bo.factory;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
public interface SmartBizObjectFactoryHandler<X extends BizObject> extends BizObjectFactoryHandler<X> {
default Object execute(Class<X> xClass, Object...args) {
return null;
......@@ -6,18 +6,24 @@ import logwire.core.bo.list.BizList;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Map;
* 一对多关系字段
* @param <X>
public interface BizItem<X extends BizObject> extends Iterable<X> {
boolean isChanged();
X find(String field, Object value);
X findOne(String field, Object value);
X find(Map<String, Field> fields);
X findOne(Map<String, Field> fields);
X create();
X create(Map<String, Field> fields);
BizList<X> findAll(String field, Object value);
BizList<X> find(String field, Object value);
BizList<X> findAll(Map fields);
BizList<X> find(Map fields);
BizList<X> findAll();
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package logwire.core.bo.field;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
import logwire.core.bo.list.BizList;
public interface BizMany<X extends BizObject> extends Iterable<Object> {
public interface BizMany<X extends BizObject> extends Iterable<X> {
void add(Long id);
void remove(Long id);
......@@ -12,5 +12,7 @@ public interface BizMany<X extends BizObject> extends Iterable<Object> {
void remove(X object);
void allAll(BizList<X> list);
void addAll(BizList<X> list);
BizList<X> findAll();
......@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@ package logwire.core.bo.field;
import logwire.core.bo.object.ModelObject;
* 多对一关系字段
* @param <X>
public interface BizOne<X extends ModelObject> {
Long getValue();
Long getId();
void setValue(Long value);
void setId(Long id);
X getObject();
package logwire.core.bo.handler;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
public interface ObjectOperationHandler<X extends BizObject> extends OperationHandler {
default String getQuery() {
return "";
default boolean accept(X x, Object... args) {
return true;
Object execute(X x, Object... args);
package logwire.core.bo.handler;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
public interface TypeOperationHandler<X extends BizObject> extends OperationHandler {
default boolean accept(Class<X> xClass, Object... args) {
return true;
Object execute(Class<X> xClass, Object... args);
......@@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ import java.util.Map;
public interface BizList<X extends BizObject> extends Iterable<X> {
X find(String field, Object value);
X find(Map fields);
X findOne(String field, Object value);
X findOne(Map fields);
/* 暂不支持lql
X find(String query);
X create();
X create(Map fields);
X create(String query);
BizList<X> find(String field, Object value);
BizList<X> findAll(String field, Object value);
BizList<X> find(Map fields);
BizList<X> findAll(Map fields);
/* 暂不支持lql
BizList<X> find(String query);
BizList<X> findAll(String query);
BizList<X> findAll();
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,34 +13,36 @@ import java.util.Map;
* BO 子表字段(多对多、数组、大文本)生成的Model,audit/version/domain都为false
public abstract class BizObject extends ModelObject {
* 事务类型 insert/update/delete
String txCode;
* 当事务类型为update时,记录修改过的字段
Map<String, Object> updatedFields;
String txCode; //事务类型 insert/update/delete
Map updatedFields; //当事务类型为update时,记录修改过的字段
Long id;// BO 的ID全部为雪花ID
int version;
@Column(label = "BO名称")
String boName;
String boName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
BizOne<User> insert_user;
OffsetDateTime insert_date;
BizOne<User> update_user;
OffsetDateTime update_date;
@Composite(label = "项目扩展字段", prefix = "exp_")
BizExpando exps;
String domain_name;
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ public abstract class User extends ModelObject {
@Column(label = "xid")
String userXid;
public Object getId() {
return userGid;
package logwire.core.bo.operation.list;
import logwire.core.bo.annotation.ListOperationProvider;
import logwire.core.bo.annotation.Operation;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
//所有BO Object 默认ListOperation定义
@ListOperationProvider(type = BizObject.class)
public interface DefaultListOperationProvider<X extends BizObject> {
@Operation(name = "getProvider")
DefaultListOperationProvider<X> getProvider();
@Operation(name = "save")
void save();
@Operation(name = "delete")
void delete();
@Operation(name = "insert")
void insert();
@Operation(name = "update")
void update(String ...fields);
\ No newline at end of file
package logwire.core.bo.operation.object;
import logwire.core.bo.annotation.ObjectOperationProvider;
import logwire.core.bo.annotation.Operation;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
import java.util.Map;
//所有BO Object 默认Operation定义
@ObjectOperationProvider(type = BizObject.class)
public interface DefaultObjectOperationProvider<X extends BizObject> {
@Operation(name = "save")
void save();
@Operation(name = "delete")
void delete();
@Operation(name = "update")
void update(Map fields);
// 更多操作定义
\ No newline at end of file
package logwire.core.bo.eventhandler;
package logwire.core.bo.operation.object;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
public interface ObjectOperationEventHandler<X extends BizObject> extends OperationEventHandler {
default String getQuery() {
return "";
default void doBefore(X x, Object... args) {
public interface ObjectOperationEventHandler<X extends BizObject> {
String getOperationName();
default boolean isAfter() {return true;}
default void doBefore(X x, Object...args){
default void doAfter(X x, Object result, Object... args) {
default void doAfter(X x, Object result, Object...args){
package logwire.core.bo.operation.object;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
public interface ObjectOperationHandler<X extends BizObject> {
String getOperationName();
/*boolean isEnabled();
default int getOrder(){return 1000;}*/
default boolean accept(X x, Object...args){return true;}
Object execute(X x, Object...args);
package logwire.core.bo.operation.object;
import logwire.core.bo.object.BizObject;
public interface SmartObjectOperationHandler<X extends BizObject> extends ObjectOperationHandler<X> {
default Object execute(X x, Object...args) {
return null;
package logwire.core.bo.select;
public interface BizChildSelect extends BizSelect {
package logwire.core.bo.select;
public interface BizSelect {
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