• Randall Leeds's avatar
    Overhaul view and sort behavior · dc477032
    Randall Leeds authored
    Bring the view and sort controls closer in line with the latest
    design decisions.
    - Start in Document view and Location sort.
    - When in Document view and Location sort, use dynamic bucket.
    - When in any sort other than location, disable dynamic bucket.
    - When in Location sort, all comments always appear at the bottom.
    - Remove the Screen and Comment views.
    - Remove the focus annotation state that was triggered by expanding
      a top level annotation; there is only hover emphasis now.
    - The `showViewer` call always goes to Selection view.
    - Using multi-select (Cmd or Ctrl Click on tabs and highlights) will
      trigger the Selection view, or switch back to the Document view
      if the selection is empty.
    - Page search always searches the whole document.
    - Leaving the page search switches back to the Document view.
    Additionally, many cleanups were made as a result.
    - No need to track focused state or comments in the client frames.
    - No need to pass the view name in `updateViewer` or `showViewer`.
    - No need to pass the focus purpose in `updateViewer`, `showViewer`,
      or `toggleViewerSelection`.
    - Drop various helper functions around focus.
    - No need to manually unshift or push newly created or streamed
      annotations into the view.
    - The viewer template uses threads at the top repeater, like the
      page search template.
    - The app controller maintains all the annotations on the root scope,
      the current selection shadowing it on the application scope, and
      a cheap, identity watch that retreives the threads.
    - The page search can use a cheap watch on the threads to refresh.
    - The reply list of each annotation is no longer set on the annotation
    - The thread directive now watches the thread children and keeps them
      sorted, rather than the annotation directive.
    - The recursive `buildReplyList` function is no longer needed.
    - Scattered use of the root scope is much reduced.
    - Drop requestAnimationFrame polyfill because angular has its own.
    - Drop the recursive directive, splitting out thread.html and using
      using ng-include for recursion.
    - Use a single render queue for all threads and sequence updates on
      animation frames, resulting in smooth, progressive rendering.
    - Combine the viewer and page_search templates.
guest.coffee 13.4 KB