Commit 10ad1675 authored by Nick Stenning's avatar Nick Stenning Committed by Randall Leeds

threadFilter directive doesn't need thread

The require'd 'thread' controller is not used.
parent fa6b17e7
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ ThreadFilterController = [
threadFilter = [
'$parse', 'searchfilter'
($parse, searchfilter) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, [ctrl, thread, counter]) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, [ctrl, counter]) ->
if counter?
scope.$watch (-> ctrl.match), (match, old) ->
if match and not old
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ threadFilter = [
controller: 'ThreadFilterController'
controllerAs: 'threadFilter'
link: linkFn
require: ['threadFilter', 'thread', '?^deepCount']
require: ['threadFilter', '?^deepCount']
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