Commit 10f6ab36 authored by Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar Lyza Danger Gardner Committed by Lyza Gardner

Split out config proper from script-embed script

- Allow PDFs to benefit from shared/easily-updated client config
parent da9c1d78
......@@ -21,28 +21,40 @@ const TEMPLATE_PATH = `${__dirname}/templates/`;
* Generate `<script>` content for client configuration and injection
* Render client config and script embed
* @param {string} clientUrl
* @return {string}
* @param {Object} context
function renderConfig(clientUrl) {
const scriptTemplate = fs.readFileSync(
return Mustache.render(scriptTemplate, { clientUrl });
function renderScript(context) {
const scriptTemplate = `
const embedScript = document.createElement('script');
embedScript.src = '{{{clientUrl}}}'.replace('{current_host}', document.location.hostname);
return Mustache.render(scriptTemplate, context);
* Build context for rendering templates in the defined views directory. This
* is dead simple at present but could be extended as needs grow.
* Build context for rendering templates in the defined views directory.
* @param {Config} config
function templateContext(config) {
// Just the config by itself, in contrast with `hypothesisScript`, which
// combines this config with a <script> that adds the embed script
const hypothesisConfig = fs.readFileSync(
return {
hypothesisScript: renderConfig(config.clientUrl),
hypothesisScript: renderScript({
clientUrl: config.clientUrl,
......@@ -89,11 +101,15 @@ function serveDev(port, config) {
// Serve PDF documents with PDFJS viewer and client script
app.get('/pdf/:pdf', (req, res, next) => {
if (fs.existsSync(`${PDF_PATH}${req.params.pdf}.pdf`)) {
const relativeSourceUrl = `/pdf-source/${req.params.pdf}.pdf`;
const fullUrl = `${req.protocol}://${req.hostname}:${port}${req.originalUrl}`;
const context = templateContext(config);
res.render('pdfjs-viewer', {
clientUrl: config.clientUrl, // URL to embed source
documentUrl: fullUrl, // The URL that annotations are associated with
url: `/pdf-source/${req.params.pdf}.pdf`, // The URL for the PDF source file
clientUrl: config.clientUrl,
url: relativeSourceUrl, // The URL for the PDF source file
} else {
var appHost = document.location.hostname;
window.hypothesisConfig = function() {
return {
// enableExperimentalNewNoteButton: true,
......@@ -25,7 +24,4 @@
openSidebar: true,
var embedScript = document.createElement('script');
embedScript.src = '{{{clientUrl}}}'.replace('{current_host}', document.location.hostname);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -49,13 +49,7 @@ window.CLIENT_URL = '{{{clientUrl}}}'.replace('{current_host}', document.locatio
<script src="/scripts/pdfjs-init.js"></script>
<!-- Configure Hypothesis client. -->
window.hypothesisConfig = function() {
return {
openSidebar: true,
<!-- End Hypothesis modifications -->
......@@ -48,13 +48,7 @@ window.CLIENT_URL = '{{{clientUrl}}}'.replace('{current_host}', document.locatio
<script src="/scripts/pdfjs-init.js"></script>
<!-- Configure Hypothesis client. -->
window.hypothesisConfig = function() {
return {
openSidebar: true,
<!-- End Hypothesis modifications -->
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