Unverified Commit 1e62dac0 authored by Kyle Keating's avatar Kyle Keating Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1309 from hypothesis/store-namespace-refactor

Add namespace capability to store modules
parents a20b2f52 981e0fdb
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function serviceUrl(store, apiRoutes) {
return function(linkName, params) {
const links = store.getState().links;
const links = store.getRootState().links;
if (links === null) {
return '';
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ function fakeStore() {
getState: function() {
return { links: links };
getRootState: function() {
return { links: links };
......@@ -26,14 +26,63 @@ const { createReducer, bindSelectors } = require('./util');
* @param [any[]] middleware - List of additional Redux middlewares to use.
function createStore(modules, initArgs = [], middleware = []) {
// Create the initial state and state update function.
const initialState = Object.assign(
...modules.map(m => m.init(...initArgs))
const reducer = createReducer(...modules.map(m => m.update));
// Create the initial state and state update function. The "base"
// namespace is reserved for non-namespaced modules which will eventually
// be converted over.
// Namespaced objects for initial states.
const initialState = {
base: null,
// Namespaced reducers from each module.
const allReducers = {
base: null,
// Namespaced selectors from each module.
const allSelectors = {
base: {
selectors: {},
// Tells the bindSelector method to use local state for these selectors
// rather than the top level root state.
useLocalState: true,
// Temporary list of non-namespaced modules used for createReducer.
const baseModules = [];
// Iterate over each module and prep each module's:
// 1. state
// 2. reducers
// 3. selectors
// Modules that have no namespace get dumped into the "base" namespace.
modules.forEach(module => {
if (module.namespace) {
initialState[module.namespace] = module.init(...initArgs);
allReducers[module.namespace] = createReducer(module.update);
allSelectors[module.namespace] = {
selectors: module.selectors,
} else {
// No namespace
allSelectors.base.selectors = {
// Aggregate the selectors into a single "base" map
initialState.base = {
// Create the base reducer for modules that are not opting in for namespacing
allReducers.base = createReducer(...baseModules.map(m => m.update));
// Create the store.
const defaultMiddleware = [
// The `thunk` middleware handles actions which are functions.
// This is used to implement actions which have side effects or are
......@@ -41,13 +90,30 @@ function createStore(modules, initArgs = [], middleware = []) {
const enhancer = redux.applyMiddleware(...defaultMiddleware, ...middleware);
const store = redux.createStore(reducer, initialState, enhancer);
// Create the store.
const store = redux.createStore(
// Temporary wrapper while we use the "base" namespace. This allows getState
// to work as it did before. Under the covers the state is actually
// nested inside "base" namespace.
const getState = store.getState;
store.getState = () => getState().base;
// Because getState is overridden, we still need a fallback for the root state
// for the namespaced modules. They will temporarily use getRootState
// until all modules are namespaced and then this will be deprecated.
store.getRootState = () => getState();
// Add actions and selectors as methods to the store.
const actions = Object.assign({}, ...modules.map(m => m.actions));
const boundActions = redux.bindActionCreators(actions, store.dispatch);
const selectors = Object.assign({}, ...modules.map(m => m.selectors));
const boundSelectors = bindSelectors(selectors, store.getState);
const boundSelectors = bindSelectors(allSelectors, store.getRootState);
Object.assign(store, boundActions, boundSelectors);
return store;
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ function addAnnotations(annotations, now) {
return function(dispatch, getState) {
const added = annotations.filter(function(annot) {
return !findByID(getState().annotations, annot.id);
return !findByID(getState().base.annotations, annot.id);
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ function addAnnotations(annotations, now) {
annotations: annotations,
if (!getState().isSidebar) {
if (!getState().base.isSidebar) {
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ function addAnnotations(annotations, now) {
if (anchoringIDs.length > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
// Find annotations which haven't yet been anchored in the document.
const anns = getState().annotations;
const anns = getState().base.annotations;
const annsStillAnchoring = anchoringIDs
.map(id => findByID(anns, id))
.filter(ann => ann && metadata.isWaitingToAnchor(ann));
......@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ function createDraft(annotation, changes) {
function deleteNewAndEmptyDrafts() {
const annotations = require('./annotations');
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const newDrafts = getState().drafts.filter(draft => {
const newDrafts = getState().base.drafts.filter(draft => {
return (
metadata.isNew(draft.annotation) &&
!getDraftIfNotEmpty(getState(), draft.annotation)
!getDraftIfNotEmpty(getState().base, draft.annotation)
const removedAnnotations = newDrafts.map(draft => {
......@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
/** Return the initial links. */
function init() {
return { links: null };
return null;
/** Return updated links based on the given current state and action object. */
function updateLinks(state, action) {
return { links: action.newLinks };
return { ...action.newLinks };
/** Return an action object for updating the links to the given newLinks. */
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ function updateLinksAction(newLinks) {
module.exports = {
init: init,
namespace: 'links',
update: { UPDATE_LINKS: updateLinks },
actions: { updateLinks: updateLinksAction },
selectors: {},
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ function selectAnnotations(ids) {
/** Toggle whether annotations are selected or not. */
function toggleSelectedAnnotations(ids) {
return function(dispatch, getState) {
const selection = Object.assign({}, getState().selectedAnnotationMap);
const selection = Object.assign({}, getState().base.selectedAnnotationMap);
for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
const id = ids[i];
if (selection[id]) {
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ function setForceVisible(id, visible) {
// FIXME: This should be converted to a plain action and accessing the state
// should happen in the update() function
return function(dispatch, getState) {
const forceVisible = Object.assign({}, getState().forceVisible);
const forceVisible = Object.assign({}, getState().base.forceVisible);
forceVisible[id] = visible;
type: actions.SET_FORCE_VISIBLE,
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ function setCollapsed(id, collapsed) {
// FIXME: This should be converted to a plain action and accessing the state
// should happen in the update() function
return function(dispatch, getState) {
const expanded = Object.assign({}, getState().expanded);
const expanded = Object.assign({}, getState().base.expanded);
expanded[id] = !collapsed;
type: actions.SET_EXPANDED,
......@@ -9,23 +9,24 @@ const action = links.actions.updateLinks;
describe('sidebar.reducers.links', function() {
describe('#init()', function() {
it('returns a null links object', function() {
assert.deepEqual(init(), { links: null });
assert.deepEqual(init(), null);
describe('#update.UPDATE_LINKS()', function() {
it('returns the given newLinks as the links object', function() {
assert.deepEqual(update('CURRENT_STATE', { newLinks: 'NEW_LINKS' }), {
links: 'NEW_LINKS',
update('CURRENT_STATE', { newLinks: { NEW_LINK: 'http://new_link' } }),
{ NEW_LINK: 'http://new_link' }
describe('#actions.updateLinks()', function() {
it('returns an UPDATE_LINKS action object for the given newLinks', function() {
assert.deepEqual(action('NEW_LINKS'), {
assert.deepEqual(action({ NEW_LINK: 'http://new_link' }), {
newLinks: 'NEW_LINKS',
newLinks: { NEW_LINK: 'http://new_link' },
......@@ -2,38 +2,68 @@
const createStore = require('../create-store');
const counterModule = {
init(value = 0) {
return { count: value };
const BASE = 0;
update: {
['INCREMENT_COUNTER'](state, action) {
return { count: state.count + action.amount };
const modules = [
// base module
init(value = 0) {
return { count: value };
update: {
INCREMENT_COUNTER: (state, action) => {
return { count: state.count + action.amount };
actions: {
increment(amount) {
return { type: 'INCREMENT_COUNTER', amount };
actions: {
increment(amount) {
return { type: 'INCREMENT_COUNTER', amount };
selectors: {
getCount(state) {
return state.count;
// namespaced module
init(value = 0) {
return { count: value };
namespace: 'foo',
update: {
['INCREMENT_COUNTER_2'](state, action) {
return { count: state.count + action.amount };
selectors: {
getCount(state) {
return state.count;
actions: {
increment2(amount) {
return { type: 'INCREMENT_COUNTER_2', amount };
selectors: {
getCount2(state) {
return state.foo.count;
function counterStore(initArgs = [], middleware = []) {
return createStore([counterModule], initArgs, middleware);
return createStore(modules, initArgs, middleware);
describe('sidebar.store.create-store', () => {
it('returns a working Redux store', () => {
const store = counterStore();
assert.equal(store.getState().count, 5);
......@@ -60,14 +90,14 @@ describe('sidebar.store.create-store', () => {
it('adds selectors as methods to the store', () => {
const store = counterStore();
assert.equal(store.getCount(), 5);
it('applies `thunk` middleware by default', () => {
const store = counterStore();
const doubleAction = (dispatch, getState) => {
......@@ -92,4 +122,25 @@ describe('sidebar.store.create-store', () => {
assert.deepEqual(actions, [{ type: 'INCREMENT_COUNTER', amount: 5 }]);
it('namespaced actions and selectors operate on their respective state', () => {
const store = counterStore();
assert.equal(store.getCount2(), 6);
it('getState returns the base state', () => {
const store = counterStore();
assert.equal(store.getState().count, 5);
it('getRootState returns the top level root state', () => {
const store = counterStore();
assert.equal(store.getRootState().base.count, 5);
assert.equal(store.getRootState().foo.count, 6);
......@@ -14,8 +14,23 @@ const fixtures = {
return { tab: action.tab };
countAnnotations: function(state) {
return state.annotations.length;
selectors: {
namespace1: {
selectors: {
countAnnotations1: function(state) {
return state.namespace1.annotations.length;
namespace2: {
useLocalState: true,
selectors: {
countAnnotations2: function(state) {
// useLocalState does not need namespaced path.
return state.annotations.length;
......@@ -36,6 +51,15 @@ describe('reducer utils', function() {
describe('#createReducer', function() {
it('returns an object if input state is undefined', function() {
// See redux.js:assertReducerShape in the "redux" package.
const reducer = util.createReducer(fixtures.update);
const initialState = reducer(undefined, {
it('returns a reducer that combines each update function from the input object', function() {
const reducer = util.createReducer(fixtures.update);
const newState = reducer(
......@@ -105,23 +129,39 @@ describe('reducer utils', function() {
assert.deepEqual(newState, { firstCounter: 6, secondCounter: 11 });
it('supports reducer functions that return an array', function() {
const action = {
type: 'FIRST_ITEM',
item: 'bar',
const addItem = {
FIRST_ITEM(state, action) {
// Concatenate the array with a new item.
return [...state, action.item];
const reducer = util.createReducer(addItem);
const newState = reducer(['foo'], action);
assert.equal(newState.length, 2);
describe('#bindSelectors', function() {
it('bound functions call original functions with current value of getState()', function() {
const annotations = [{ id: 1 }];
const getState = sinon.stub().returns({ annotations: annotations });
const bound = util.bindSelectors(
countAnnotations: fixtures.countAnnotations,
const getState = sinon.stub().returns({
namespace1: {
annotations: [{ id: 1 }],
assert.equal(bound.countAnnotations(), 1);
getState.returns({ annotations: annotations.concat([{ id: 2 }]) });
assert.equal(bound.countAnnotations(), 2);
namespace2: {
annotations: [{ id: 1 }],
const bound = util.bindSelectors(fixtures.selectors, getState);
// Test non-namespaced selector (useLocalState=true)
assert.equal(bound.countAnnotations1(), 1);
// Test the namespaced selector
assert.equal(bound.countAnnotations2(), 1);
......@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ function actionTypes(updateFns) {
function createReducer(...actionToUpdateFn) {
// Combine the (action name => update function) maps together into a single
// (action name => update functions) map.
// After namespace migration, remove the requirement for actionToUpdateFns
// to use arrays. Why? createReducer will be called once for each module rather
// than once for all modules.
const actionToUpdateFns = {};
actionToUpdateFn.forEach(map => {
Object.keys(map).forEach(k => {
......@@ -27,35 +31,51 @@ function createReducer(...actionToUpdateFn) {
return (state, action) => {
return (state = {}, action) => {
const fns = actionToUpdateFns[action.type];
if (!fns) {
return state;
// Some modules return an array rather than an object. They need to be
// handled differently so we don't cast them to an object.
if (Array.isArray(state)) {
return [...fns[0](state, action)];
return Object.assign({}, state, ...fns.map(f => f(state, action)));
* Takes an object mapping keys to selector functions and the `getState()`
* function from the store and returns an object with the same keys but where
* the values are functions that call the original functions with the `state`
* argument set to the current value of `getState()`
* Takes a mapping of namespaced modules and the store's `getState()` function
* and returns an aggregated flat object with all the selectors at the root
* level. The keys to this object are functions that call the original
* selectors with the `state` argument set to the current value of `getState()`
* for namespaced modules or `getState().base` for non-namespaced modules.
function bindSelectors(selectors, getState) {
return Object.keys(selectors).reduce(function(bound, key) {
const selector = selectors[key];
bound[key] = function() {
const args = [].slice.apply(arguments);
return selector.apply(null, args);
return bound;
}, {});
function bindSelectors(namespaces, getState) {
const totalSelectors = {};
Object.keys(namespaces).forEach(namespace => {
const selectors = namespaces[namespace].selectors;
const useLocalState = namespaces[namespace].useLocalState;
Object.keys(selectors).forEach(selector => {
totalSelectors[selector] = function() {
const args = [].slice.apply(arguments);
if (useLocalState) {
// Temporary scaffold until all selectors use namespaces.
} else {
// Namespace modules get root scope
return selectors[selector].apply(null, args);
return totalSelectors;
module.exports = {
actionTypes: actionTypes,
bindSelectors: bindSelectors,
createReducer: createReducer,
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