Commit 1f0fea18 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Remove unused jsdoc-from-proptypes script

We moved away from using propTypes a long time ago
parent c91d4552
'use strict';
* Utility to generate JSDoc types from prop-types definitions.
* Usage:
* node scripts/jsdoc-from-proptypes.js <src>
* Where `<src>` is a JS file defining a Preact UI component.
* The output is a JSDoc `@typedef` definition that can be used as a starting
* point for JSDoc. The output will need to be improved manually:
* - Comments should be line-wrapped / adjusted for readability (TODO:
* Do this as part of the script)
* - `prop-types` types are often very generic (eg. `propTypes.object`,
* `propTypes.array`, `propTypes.func`). Help human readers and machine
* checking by updating these with more specific types.
* - `prop-types` comments often state information that is obvious given a
* a more specific JSDoc type. These should be removed.
* - `prop-types` props may not correctly specify whether a prop is optional or
* required. Make sure the JSDoc type specifies this correctly.
const fs = require('fs');
const parser = require('@babel/parser');
const { default: traverse } = require('@babel/traverse');
const t = require('@babel/types');
const typeFromPropName = {
annotation: 'Annotation',
group: 'Group',
thread: 'Thread',
function jsdocTypeFromPropTypesType(memberExpression) {
if (!t.isIdentifier( {
return 'Object';
switch ( {
case 'array':
return 'Object[]';
case 'bool':
return 'boolean';
case 'func':
return '() => any';
case 'number':
return 'number';
case 'string':
return 'string';
return 'Object';
function isPropTypesIdentifier(node) {
return t.isIdentifier(node) && === 'propTypes';
function jsdocComment(lines) {
return ['/**', => ' * ' + line), ' */'].join('\n');
* Extract UI component props information from the right-hand side of a
* `ComponentName.propTypes = { ... }` expression and return an equivalent
* JSDoc `@typedef` comment.
* @param {string} componentName
* @param {object} An `ObjectExpression` AST node
function jsdocTypedefFromPropTypes(componentName, objectExpression) {
const props = [];
// Extract property names, comments and types from object literal keys. => {
const name =;
let comment;
// Extract comment above the prop-type definition.
const leadingComments = objectProperty.leadingComments;
if (Array.isArray(leadingComments) && leadingComments.length > 0) {
comment = leadingComments[0].value;
comment = comment
.map(line => line.trim().replace(/^\*/, '').trim())
.join(' ')
let type = 'Object';
let isOptional = true;
// Attempt to map the `propTypes.<expression>` property value to a JSDoc type.
if (t.isMemberExpression(objectProperty.value)) {
const propTypeExpr = objectProperty.value;
if (isPropTypesIdentifier(propTypeExpr.object)) {
// Parse `propTypes.<expr>`
type = jsdocTypeFromPropTypesType(propTypeExpr);
} else if (
t.isMemberExpression(propTypeExpr.object) &&
) {
// Parse `propTypes.<expr1>.<expr2>`
type = jsdocTypeFromPropTypesType(propTypeExpr.object);
if (
t.isIdentifier( && === 'isRequired'
) {
isOptional = false;
// If a specific type could not be determined from the `propTypes.<expression>`
// expression, attempt to guess based on the prop name.
if (type === 'Object' && name in typeFromPropName) {
type = typeFromPropName[name];
props.push({ name, type, comment, isOptional });
// Generate the JSDoc typedef.
const formatJSDocProp = ({ name, type, comment, isOptional }) => {
let expr = `@prop {${type}} `;
if (isOptional) {
expr += '[';
expr += name;
if (isOptional) {
expr += ']';
if (comment) {
expr += ' - ' + comment;
return expr;
// Generate JSDoc typedef from props.
const commentLines = [
`@typedef ${componentName}Props`,,
return jsdocComment(commentLines);
function processFile(filePath) {
const code = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
const ast = parser.parse(code, {
plugins: ['jsx'],
sourceType: 'module',
traverse(ast, {
AssignmentExpression(path) {
// Look for `<identifier>.propTypes = { ... }` expressions.
const isPropTypesAssignment =
t.isMemberExpression(path.node.left) &&
t.isIdentifier(path.node.left.object) &&
t.isIdentifier( && === 'propTypes';
if (isPropTypesAssignment && t.isObjectExpression(path.node.right)) {
const componentName =;
const jsdoc = jsdocTypedefFromPropTypes(componentName, path.node.right);
// Process all the files on the command line after the script name.
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