Commit 20a89fea authored by gergely-ujvari's avatar gergely-ujvari

Merge pull request #1368 from hypothesis/search-callback-routing-cleanup

Search callback routing cleanup
parents 13161352 0adec576
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ class App
visible: false
ongoingHighlightSwitch: false
search: {}
sheet: {}
sorts: [
......@@ -40,8 +41,7 @@ class App
socialView: annotator.socialView
ongoingHighlightSwitch: false
query: $
show: not angular.equals($, {})
query: $['q']
session: session
......@@ -105,12 +105,6 @@ class App
$scope.$watch '', (visible) ->
if visible
$timeout ->
, 10
$scope.$watch '', (newValue, oldValue) ->
return if newValue is oldValue
console.log "Social View changed to '" + newValue + "'. Reloading annotations."
......@@ -219,41 +213,23 @@ class App
$rootScope.applySort "Location"
$scope.query = $
$ = {}
$ = angular.noop
$ = angular.noop
#$scope.show_search = Object.keys($scope.query).length > 0
$rootScope.$on '$routeChangeSuccess', (event, next, current) ->
unless next.$$route? then return
$ = $
$ = not angular.equals($, {})
if next.$$route.originalPath is '/viewer'
$ = true
$ = false
$ = $['q']
$ = next.$$route.originalPath is '/viewer'
unless next.$$route.originalPath is '/stream'
if current and next.$$route.originalPath is '/a/:id'
$ = (searchCollection) ->
return unless annotator.discardDrafts()
query = {query: searchCollection}
unless angular.equals $, query
if $location.path() == '/viewer' or $location.path() == '/page_search'
$ = ->
$'q', null)
$ = ->
$ = (query) ->
unless angular.equals $['q'], query
if annotator.discardDrafts()
$'q', query or null)
$scope.reloadAnnotations = ->
Store = plugins.Store
......@@ -730,6 +706,9 @@ class Viewer
$location, $rootScope, $routeParams, $scope,
) ->
if $routeParams.q
return $location.path('/page_search').replace()
{providers, threading} = annotator
$scope.activate = (annotation) ->
......@@ -756,13 +735,14 @@ class Search
'annotator', 'viewFilter']
constructor: ($filter, $location, $rootScope, $routeParams, $sce, $scope,
annotator, viewFilter) ->
unless $routeParams.q
return $location.path('/viewer').replace()
{providers, threading} = annotator
$scope.highlighter = '<span class="search-hl-active">$&</span>'
$scope.filter_orderBy = $filter('orderBy')
$scope.matches = []
$ = $
$ = true
$scope.render_order = {}
$scope.render_pos = {}
$scope.ann_info =
......@@ -834,7 +814,8 @@ class Search
refresh = =>
[$scope.matches, $scope.filters] = viewFilter.filter $rootScope.annotations, $routeParams
query = $routeParams.q
[$scope.matches, $scope.filters] = viewFilter.filter $rootScope.annotations, query
# Create the regexps for highlighting the matches inside the annotations' bodies
$scope.text_tokens = $scope.filters.text.terms.slice()
$scope.text_regexp = []
......@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@ simpleSearch = ['$parse', ($parse) ->
_clear(scope) if attr.onclear
scope.$watch attr.query, (query) ->
if query.query?
scope.searchtext = query.query
if query?
scope.searchtext = query
_search(scope, {"this": scope.searchtext})
restrict: 'C'
......@@ -162,13 +162,13 @@ class QueryParser
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'and'
path: '/tags'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'or'
path: "/quote"
path: '/quote'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'and'
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class QueryParser
query_type: 'multi_match'
match_type: 'cross_fields'
and_or: 'and'
fields: ['quote', 'tags', 'text', 'uri', 'user']
fields: ['quote', 'tag', 'text', 'uri', 'user']
parseModels: (models) ->
......@@ -736,12 +736,13 @@ class ViewFilter
matches = true
# Make copy for filtering
copy = value.slice()
copy.filter (e) ->
not match filter.terms, e
if (filter.operator is 'and' and copy.length < value.length) or
copy = copy.filter (e) ->
match filter.terms, e
if (filter.operator is 'and' and copy.length < filter.terms.length) or
(filter.operator is 'or' and not copy.length)
matches = false
matches = false
_anyMatches: (filter, value, match) ->
......@@ -788,7 +789,7 @@ class ViewFilter
# the faceted filters
# ]
filter: (annotations, query) =>
filters = @searchfilter.generateFacetedFilter query.query
filters = @searchfilter.generateFacetedFilter query
results = []
# Check for given limit
......@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ imports = [
class StreamSearch
this.inject = [
'$location', '$scope', '$rootScope',
'$scope', '$rootScope',
'queryparser', 'session', 'searchfilter', 'streamfilter'
constructor: (
$location, $scope, $rootScope,
$scope, $rootScope,
queryparser, session, searchfilter, streamfilter
) ->
# Initialize the base filter
......@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ class StreamSearch
# Apply query clauses
$scope.query = $['query']
terms = searchfilter.generateFacetedFilter $scope.query
terms = searchfilter.generateFacetedFilter $
queryparser.populateFilter streamfilter, terms
$scope.updater?.then (sock) ->
......@@ -37,16 +36,6 @@ class StreamSearch
$rootScope.applyView "Document" # Non-sensical, but best for the moment
$rootScope.applySort "Newest"
$ = $
$ = not angular.equals($, {})
$ = (query) ->
unless angular.equals $, query
$ {query:query}
$ = ->
$scope.openDetails = (annotation) ->
$scope.loadMore = (number) =>
# TODO: debounce
......@@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ describe 'h.directives', ->
describe '.simpleSearch', ->
$element = null
beforeEach ->
$scope.query = {}
$scope.update = sinon.spy()
$scope.clear = sinon.spy()
......@@ -152,12 +151,12 @@ describe 'h.directives', ->
it 'updates the search-bar', ->
$scope.query = {query: "Test query"}
$scope.query = "Test query"
assert.equal($scope.searchtext, $scope.query.query)
assert.equal($scope.searchtext, $scope.query)
it 'calls the given search function', ->
$scope.query = {query: "Test query"}
$scope.query = "Test query"
sinon.assert.calledWith($scope.update, "Test query")
......@@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ describe 'h.directives', ->
it 'clears the search-bar', ->
$scope.query = {query: "Test query"}
$scope.query = "Test query"
assert.equal($scope.searchtext, '')
......@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ describe 'h.directives', ->
assert.include($form.prop('className'), 'simple-search-inactive')
it 'removes the class from the form when there is an input value', ->
$scope.query = {query: "Test query"}
$scope.query = "Test query"
$form = $element.find('.simple-search-form')
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