Commit 2522cee8 authored by Sean Roberts's avatar Sean Roberts

Merge branch 'master' into websocket-token-auth

* master:
  Remove auth => session dependency
parents e76475c4 4610489c
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module.exports = function AppController(
$scope.accountDialog.visible = false;
$scope.clearSelection = function () {
'use strict';
// The user ID which the current cached token is valid for
userid: undefined,
// Promise for the API token for 'userid'.
// This is initialized when fetchOrReuseToken() is called and
// reset when logging out via logout()
token: undefined,
* Fetches a new API token for the current logged-in user.
* @return {Promise} - A promise for a new JWT token.
function fetchToken($http, session, settings) {
var tokenUrl = new URL('token', settings.apiUrl).href;
// Explicitly include the CSRF token in the headers. This won't be done
// automatically in the extension as this will be a cross-domain request, and
// Angular's CSRF support doesn't operate automatically cross-domain.
var headers = {};
headers[$http.defaults.xsrfHeaderName] = session.state.csrf;
var config = {
headers: headers,
// Skip JWT authorization for the token request itself.
skipAuthorization: true,
return $http.get(tokenUrl, config).then(function (response) {
var NULL_TOKEN = Promise.resolve(null);
* Service for fetching and caching access tokens for the Hypothesis API.
// @ngInject
function auth($http, flash, jwtHelper, session, settings) {
function auth($http, jwtHelper, settings) {
var cachedToken = INITIAL_TOKEN;
var cachedToken = NULL_TOKEN;
* Fetches or returns a cached JWT API token for the current user.
* Fetch a new API token for the current logged-in user.
* @return {Promise} - A promise for a JWT API token for the current
* user.
// @ngInject
function fetchOrReuseToken($http, jwtHelper, session, settings) {
function refreshToken() {
return fetchToken($http, session, settings).then(function (token) {
return token;
var userid;
return session.load()
.then(function (data) {
userid = data.userid;
if (userid === cachedToken.userid && cachedToken.token) {
return cachedToken.token;
} else {
cachedToken = {
userid: userid,
token: refreshToken(),
return cachedToken.token;
.then(function (token) {
if (jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(token)) {
cachedToken = {
userid: userid,
token: refreshToken(),
return cachedToken.token;
} else {
return token;
function clearCache() {
cachedToken = INITIAL_TOKEN;
* Log out from the API and clear any cached tokens.
* The user is authenticated using their session cookie.
* @return {Promise<void>} - A promise for when logout has completed.
* @return {Promise<string>} - A promise for a new JWT token.
function logout() {
return session.logout({}).$promise
.then(function() {
.catch(function(err) {
flash.error('Log out failed!');
throw err;
function fetchToken() {
var tokenUrl = new URL('token', settings.apiUrl).href;
return $http.get(tokenUrl, {}).then(function (response) {
* Return an access token for authenticating API requests.
* Fetch or return a cached JWT API token for the current user.
* @return {Promise<string>}
* @return {Promise<string>} - A promise for a JWT API token for the current
* user.
function tokenGetter() {
return fetchOrReuseToken($http, jwtHelper, session, settings);
return cachedToken.then(function (token) {
if (!token || jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(token)) {
cachedToken = fetchToken();
return cachedToken;
} else {
return token;
function clearCache() {
cachedToken = NULL_TOKEN;
return {
clearCache: clearCache,
tokenGetter: tokenGetter,
logout: logout,
......@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ function sessionActions(options) {
* @ngInject
function session($http, $resource, $rootScope, annotationUI, flash, raven, settings) {
function session($http, $resource, $rootScope, annotationUI, auth,
flash, raven, settings) {
// Headers sent by every request made by the session service.
var headers = {};
var actions = sessionActions({
......@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ function session($http, $resource, $rootScope, annotationUI, flash, raven, setti
* the response, update() can be used to update the client
* when new state has been pushed to it by the server.
resource.update = function (model) {
function update(model) {
var prevSession = annotationUI.getState().session;
var isInitialLoad = !prevSession.csrf;
......@@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ function session($http, $resource, $rootScope, annotationUI, flash, raven, setti
if (userChanged) {
$rootScope.$broadcast(events.USER_CHANGED, {
initialLoad: isInitialLoad,
userid: model.userid,
......@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ function session($http, $resource, $rootScope, annotationUI, flash, raven, setti
// Return the model
return model;
function process(data, headersGetter, status) {
if (status < 200 || status >= 500) {
......@@ -179,14 +182,23 @@ function session($http, $resource, $rootScope, annotationUI, flash, raven, setti
return resource.update(model);
return update(model);
function logout() {
return resource.logout().$promise.then(function () {
}).catch(function (err) {
flash.error('Log out failed');
throw err;
return {
dismissSidebarTutorial: resource.dismiss_sidebar_tutorial,
load: resource.load,
login: resource.login,
logout: resource.logout,
logout: logout,
// For the moment, we continue to expose the session state as a property on
// this service. In future, other services which access the session state
......@@ -195,7 +207,7 @@ function session($http, $resource, $rootScope, annotationUI, flash, raven, setti
return annotationUI.getState().session;
update: resource.update,
update: update,
......@@ -58,9 +58,7 @@ describe('AppController', function () {
clearSelectedAnnotations: sandbox.spy(),
fakeAuth = {
logout: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()),
fakeAuth = {};
fakeDrafts = {
contains: sandbox.stub(),
......@@ -88,6 +86,7 @@ describe('AppController', function () {
fakeSession = {
load: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({userid: null})),
logout: sandbox.stub(),
fakeGroups = {focus: sandbox.spy()};
......@@ -254,7 +253,13 @@ describe('AppController', function () {
describe('logout()', function () {
describe('#logout()', function () {
it('calls session.logout()', function () {
it('prompts the user if there are drafts', function () {
......@@ -6,20 +6,15 @@ describe('auth', function () {
var fakeHttp;
var fakeJwtHelper;
var fakeSettings;
var fakeSession;
var fakeTokens = ['token-one', 'token-two'];
var fakeTokenIndex;
beforeEach(function () {
fakeTokenIndex = 0;
fakeHttp = {
defaults: {xsrfHeaderName: 'X-CSRF-Token'},
get: sinon.spy(function (url, config) {
assert.equal(config.skipAuthorization, true);
assert.equal(url, '');
assert.deepEqual(config.headers, {
'X-CSRF-Token': fakeSession.state.csrf,
assert.deepEqual(config, {});
var result = {status: 200, data: fakeTokens[fakeTokenIndex]};
......@@ -27,29 +22,16 @@ describe('auth', function () {
fakeJwtHelper = {isTokenExpired: sinon.stub()};
fakeSession = {
load: sinon.spy(function () {
return Promise.resolve(fakeSession.state);
logout: sinon.spy(function () {
return {$promise: Promise.resolve()};
state: {
csrf: 'fake-csrf-token',
fakeSettings = {
apiUrl: '',
function authFactory() {
var fakeFlash = { error: sinon.stub() };
return auth(fakeHttp, fakeFlash, fakeJwtHelper, fakeSession, fakeSettings);
return auth(fakeHttp, fakeJwtHelper, fakeSettings);
describe('#tokenGetter', function () {
it('should fetch and return a new token', function () {
var auth = authFactory();
return auth.tokenGetter().then(function (token) {
......@@ -80,11 +62,13 @@ describe('auth', function () {
assert.equal(token, fakeTokens[1]);
it('should fetch a new token if the userid changes', function () {
describe('#clearCache', function () {
it('should remove existing cached tokens', function () {
var auth = authFactory();
return auth.tokenGetter().then(function () {
fakeSession.state.userid = 'new-user-id';
return auth.tokenGetter();
}).then(function (token) {
......@@ -92,13 +76,4 @@ describe('auth', function () {
describe('#logout', function () {
it('should call session.logout', function () {
var auth = authFactory();
return auth.logout().then(function () {
......@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ var events = require('../events');
var mock = angular.mock;
describe('h:session', function () {
describe('session', function () {
var $httpBackend;
var $rootScope;
var fakeAuth;
var fakeFlash;
var fakeRaven;
var sandbox;
......@@ -32,6 +33,9 @@ describe('h:session', function () {
state = session;
fakeAuth = {
clearCache: sandbox.spy(),
fakeFlash = {error: sandbox.spy()};
fakeRaven = {
setUserInfo: sandbox.spy(),
......@@ -39,6 +43,7 @@ describe('h:session', function () {
mock.module('h', {
annotationUI: fakeAnnotationUI,
auth: fakeAuth,
flash: fakeFlash,
raven: fakeRaven,
settings: {
......@@ -237,6 +242,11 @@ describe('h:session', function () {
it('clears the API token cache when the user changes', function () {
session.update({userid: 'different-user', csrf: 'dummytoken'});
it('updates the user ID for Sentry error reports', function () {
userid: 'anne',
......@@ -256,4 +266,29 @@ describe('h:session', function () {
describe('#logout()', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
var url = '';
$httpBackend.expectPOST(url).respond(200, {
model: {
userid: 'logged-out-id',
it('logs the user out on the service and updates the session', function () {
session.logout().then(function () {
assert.equal(session.state.userid, 'logged-out-id');
it('clears the API access token cache', function () {
session.logout().then(function () {
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