Commit 254a069a authored by Nick Stenning's avatar Nick Stenning

Merge pull request #1937 from hypothesis/load_all_annotations

Load all annotations
parents 82fbab54 8375bdb6
......@@ -187,8 +187,24 @@ class ViewerController
loaded = []
_loadAnnotationsFrom = (query, offset) ->
queryCore =
limit: 20
offset: offset
sort: 'created'
order: 'asc'
q = angular.extend(queryCore, query)
store.SearchResource.get q, (results) ->
total =
offset += results.rows.length
if offset < total
_loadAnnotationsFrom query, offset
loadAnnotations = ->
query = limit: 200
query = {}
if annotationUI.tool is 'highlight'
return unless auth.user
query.user = auth.user
......@@ -196,8 +212,8 @@ class ViewerController
for p in crossframe.providers
for e in p.entities when e not in loaded
loaded.push e
r = store.SearchResource.get angular.extend(uri: e, query), (results) ->
q = angular.extend(uri: e, query)
_loadAnnotationsFrom q, 0
streamfilter.resetFilter().addClause('/uri', 'one_of', loaded)
assert = chai.assert
sinon.assert.expose assert, prefix: null
fakeStore =
get: sinon.spy()
describe 'h', ->
$scope = null
fakeAuth = null
fakeIdentity = null
fakeLocation = null
fakeParams = null
fakeStreamer = null
fakeStore =
get: sinon.spy()
sandbox = null
beforeEach module('h')
......@@ -20,19 +18,6 @@ describe 'h', ->
beforeEach module ($provide) ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
fakeAnnotator = {
plugins: {
Auth: {withToken: sandbox.spy()}
options: {}
socialView: {name: 'none'}
addPlugin: sandbox.spy()
fakeAuth = {
user: null
fakeIdentity = {
watch: sandbox.spy()
request: sandbox.spy()
......@@ -41,7 +26,9 @@ describe 'h', ->
fakeLocation = {
search: sandbox.stub().returns({})
fakeParams = {id: 'test'}
fakeStreamer = {
open: sandbox.spy()
close: sandbox.spy()
......@@ -83,6 +70,69 @@ describe 'h', ->
it 'sets the isEmbedded property to false', ->
describe 'ViewerController', ->
$scope = null
fakeAnnotationMapper = null
fakeAuth = null
fakeCrossFrame = null
fakeStore = null
fakeStreamer = null
sandbox = null
viewer = null
beforeEach module('h')
beforeEach module ($provide) ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
fakeAnnotationMapper = {loadAnnotations: sandbox.spy()}
fakeAuth = {user: null}
fakeCrossFrame = {providers: []}
fakeStore = {
get: (query, callback) ->
offset = query.offset or 0
limit = query.limit or 20
result =
total: 100
rows: [offset..offset+limit-1]
callback result
fakeStreamer = {
open: sandbox.spy()
close: sandbox.spy()
send: sandbox.spy()
$provide.value 'annotationMapper', fakeAnnotationMapper
$provide.value 'auth', fakeAuth
$provide.value 'crossframe', fakeCrossFrame
$provide.value 'store', fakeStore
$provide.value 'streamer', fakeStreamer
beforeEach inject ($controller, $rootScope) ->
$scope = $rootScope.$new()
viewer = $controller 'ViewerController', {$scope}
afterEach ->
describe 'loadAnnotations', ->
it 'loads all annotation for a provider', ->
fakeCrossFrame.providers.push {entities: ['']}
loadSpy = fakeAnnotationMapper.loadAnnotations
assert.callCount(loadSpy, 5)
assert.calledWith(loadSpy, [0..19])
assert.calledWith(loadSpy, [20..39])
assert.calledWith(loadSpy, [40..59])
assert.calledWith(loadSpy, [60..79])
assert.calledWith(loadSpy, [80..99])
describe 'AnnotationUIController', ->
$scope = null
$rootScope = null
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