Commit 2f25ec88 authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Stub out the tests for the CrossFrameBridge component

parent e3d4f8b2
assert = chai.assert
sinon.assert.expose assert, prefix: null
describe 'CrossFrameBridge', ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
createBridge = null
createChannel = null
beforeEach module('h')
beforeEach module (CrossFrameBridge) ->
createBridge = (options) ->
new CrossFrameBridge(options)
createChannel ->
call: sandbox.stub()
bind: sandbox.stub()
unbind: sandbox.stub()
notify: sandbox.stub()
afterEach ->
describe '.createChannel', ->
it 'creates a new channel with the provided options'
it 'adds the channel to the .links property'
it 'registers any channelListeners on the channel'
it 'returns the newly created channel'
describe '.call', ->
it 'forwards the call to every created channel'
it 'provides a timeout of 1000ms'
it 'calls options.callback when all channels return successfully'
it 'calls options.callback with an error when one or more channels fail'
it 'destroys the channel when a call fails'
it 'removes the channel from the .links array when a call fails'
it 'treats a timeout as a success with no result'
it 'returns a promise object'
describe '.notify', ->
it 'publishes the message on every created channel'
describe '.on', ->
it 'registers an event listener on all created channels'
it 'adds the message to the .channelListeners property'
it 'only allows one message to be registered per method'
describe '.off', ->
it 'removes the event listener from the created channels'
it 'removes the method from th .channelListeners property'
describe '.onConnect', ->
it 'adds a callback that is called when a new channel is connected'
it 'allows multiple callbacks to be registered'
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