Commit 32929cc7 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Reduce duplication in <publish-annotation-btn> tests

Instead of passing a full object of attributes to
util.createDirective() at the start of each test, render
a default instance in beforeEach() and then just relink
the element with the changes for a specific test.

Card 89
parent cde3eaf3
......@@ -22,54 +22,50 @@ describe('publishAnnotationBtn', function () {
var element;
beforeEach(function () {
// create a new instance of the directive with default
// attributes
element = util.createDirective(document, 'publishAnnotationBtn', {
group: {
name: 'Public',
type: 'public'
canPost: true,
isShared: false,
isNew: false,
onSave: function () {},
onSetPrivacy: function (level) {},
it('should display "Post to Only Me"', function () {
var saveCount = 0;
var element = util.createDirective(document, 'publishAnnotationBtn', {
group: {
name: 'Public',
type: 'public'
isShared: false,
isNew: false,
onSave: function () {},
onSetPrivacy: function (level) {}
var buttons = element.find('button');
assert.equal(buttons.length, 2);
assert.equal(buttons[0].innerHTML, 'Post to Only Me');
it('should display "Post to Research Lab"', function () {
var element = util.createDirective(document, 'publishAnnotationBtn', {{
group: {
name: 'Research Lab',
type: 'group'
isShared: true,
isNew: false,
onSave: function () {},
onSetPrivacy: function (level) {}
isShared: true
var buttons = element.find('button');
assert.equal(buttons[0].innerHTML, 'Post to Research Lab');
it('should default to "shared" as the privacy level for new annotations', function () {
fakeStorage = {};
var element = util.createDirective(document, 'publishAnnotationBtn', {
group: {
name: 'Research Lab',
type: 'group'
isShared: true,
isNew: true,
onSave: function () {},
onSetPrivacy: function (level) {}{
isNew: true
assert.deepEqual(fakeStorage, {
'hypothesis.privacy': 'shared'
......@@ -78,15 +74,8 @@ describe('publishAnnotationBtn', function () {
it('should save when "Post..." is clicked', function () {
var savedSpy = sinon.spy();
var element = util.createDirective(document, 'publishAnnotationBtn', {
group: {
name: 'Research Lab',
type: 'group'
isShared: true,
isNew: true,
onSave: savedSpy,
onSetPrivacy: function (level) {}{
onSave: savedSpy
......@@ -95,18 +84,13 @@ describe('publishAnnotationBtn', function () {
it('should change privacy when privacy option selected', function () {
var privacyChangedSpy = sinon.spy();
var element = util.createDirective(document, 'publishAnnotationBtn', {
group: {
name: 'Research Lab',
type: 'group'
isShared: true,{
// for existing annotations, the privacy should not be changed
// unless the user makes a choice from the list
isNew: false,
onSave: function () {},
onSetPrivacy: privacyChangedSpy
var privateOption = element.find('li')[1];
var sharedOption = element.find('li')[0];
......@@ -117,22 +101,16 @@ describe('publishAnnotationBtn', function () {
it('should disable post buttons when posting is not possible', function () {
var element = util.createDirective(document, 'publishAnnotationBtn', {
group: {
name: 'Research Lab',
type: 'group'
canPost: false,
isShared: true,
isNew: false,
onSave: function () {},
onSetPrivacy: function () {}{
canPost: false
var disabledBtns = element.find('button[disabled]');
assert.equal(disabledBtns.length, 2);
// check that buttons are enabled when posting is possible
element ={canPost: true});{
canPost: true
disabledBtns = element.find('button[disabled]');
assert.equal(disabledBtns.length, 0);
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