Clarify browser extension vs web service

parent da9a526f
......@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ extension]( or setup [a local
install of the Hypothesis
service]( to host the client.
If you are only interested in making changes to the client, developing using
the browser extension is the easiest method.
## Prerequisites
You will need:
......@@ -32,7 +29,21 @@ sudo npm install -g gulp-cli
## Developing using the browser extension
You now have a development client installed. To run your development client in
a browser you'll need a local copy of either the Hypothesis Chrome extension or
the Hypothesis web service. Follow either the instructions for
[Running the client from the browser extension](#running-the-client-from-the-browser-extension)
or for
[Running the client from the web service](#running-the-client-from-the-web-service)
If you're only interested in making changes to the client (and not to the web
service) then running the client from the browser extension is easiest.
## Running the client from the browser extension
This is the currently easiest way to get your development client running in a
browser. It sets you up to make changes to the client and to the Chrome
extension itself, but not to the web service.
1. Check out the [browser
extension]( and follow the
......@@ -54,10 +65,12 @@ make
to make this easier.
If you want to use the browser extension together with a local Hypothesis
service for storing annotations, you should also follow the steps below.
## Running the client from the web service
## Developing using a local Hypothesis web service
This takes longer to setup than
[Running the client from the browser extension](#running-the-client-from-the-browser-extension).
You should follow these steps if you want to make changes to the Hypothesis
web service as well as to the client.
Once you have a local install of the Hypothesis service set up, you can
configure it to use a local build of the client. In the client repository, run:
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