Unverified Commit 3c3017b3 authored by Lyza Gardner's avatar Lyza Gardner Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1351 from hypothesis/a11y-aria-label-tags

Add `aria-label` to annotation tags
parents 52f70791 1f5da37b
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
<div class="annotation-body u-layout-row tags tags-read-only"
ng-if="(vm.canCollapseBody || vm.state().tags.length) && !vm.editing()">
<ul class="tag-list">
<ul class="tag-list" aria-label="Annotation tags">
<li class="tag-item" ng-repeat="tag in vm.state().tags">
<a ng-href="{{vm.tagSearchURL(tag)}}" target="_blank">{{tag}}</a>
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