Commit 3f73624b authored by Ujvari Gergely's avatar Ujvari Gergely

Improvements and bugfixes

 - Fixed streaming API for edited annotations
 - Displayer page now displays Annotation deleted and reason for redacted annotations
 - Edit, Redact and delete support for real time updating
 - Displayer page sorts incoming replies by creation date (needed to avoid missing gaps in the tree)
 - Removed unneeded debug-only lines
parent 9cfd913a
......@@ -10,17 +10,21 @@ get_quote = (annotation) ->
class Displayer
this.$inject = ['$scope','$element','$timeout']
idTable : {}
constructor: ($scope, $element, $timeout) ->
$scope.replies = []
$scope.reply_count = 0
$ = document.body.attributes.internalid.value
$scope.annotation = {}
$scope.annotations = [$scope.annotation]
$scope.annotation.replies = []
$scope.annotation.reply_count = 0
$ = document.body.attributes.internalid.value
@idTable[$] = $scope.annotation
$scope.filter =
match_policy : 'include_all'
clauses : [
field: "/references"
operator: "first_of"
value: $
value: $
actions :
create: true
......@@ -28,10 +32,22 @@ class Displayer
delete: true
load_past: 'replies'
id_for_reply: $
id_for_reply: $
console.log $scope.filter
$ = ->
$scope.change_annotation_content = (id, new_annotation) =>
to_change = @idTable[id]
replies = to_change.replies
reply_count = to_change.reply_count
for k, v of to_change
delete to_change.k
angular.extend to_change, new_annotation
to_change.replies = replies
to_change.reply_count = reply_count
$ = =>
transports = ['xhr-streaming', 'iframe-eventsource', 'iframe-htmlfile', 'xhr-polling', 'iframe-xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling']
$scope.sock = new SockJS(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':' + window.location.port + '/__streamer__', transports)
......@@ -47,22 +63,27 @@ class Displayer
$scope.$apply =>
data =[0]
unless data instanceof Array then data = [data]
#sort annotations by creation date
data.sort (a, b) ->
if a.created > b.created then return 1
if a.created > b.created then return -1
console.log data
action =[1]
for annotation in data
annotation.quote = get_quote annotation
switch action
when 'create', 'past'
$scope.reply_count += 1
#Find the thread for the reply
replies = $scope.replies
list = replies
#Ignore duplicates caused by server restarting
if in @idTable
#Update the reply counter for all referenced annotation
for reference in annotation.references
for reply in replies
if is reference
list = reply
reply.reply_count += 1
replies = reply.replies
@idTable[reference].reply_count += 1
replies = @idTable[annotation.references[annotation.references.length-1]].replies
#Find the place to insert annotation
pos = 0
......@@ -72,14 +93,30 @@ class Displayer
pos += 1
annotation.replies = []
annotation.reply_count = 0
@idTable[] = annotation
replies.splice pos, 0, annotation
when 'edit'
console.log 'edit'
$scope.change_annotation_content, annotation
when 'delete'
console.log 'delete'
console.log $scope.replies
if 'deleted' in annotation
$scope.change_annotation_content, annotation
#Real delete
unless @idTable[]?
#Update the reply counter for all referenced annotation
for reference in annotation.references
@idTable[reference].reply_count -= 1
replies = @idTable[annotation.references[annotation.references.length-1]].replies
#Find the place to insert annotation
pos = replies.indexOf @idTable[]
replies.splice pos, 1
delete @idTable[]
......@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ class Streamer
$scope.bads = []
@parser = new ClauseParser()
document.test = @parser
#Json structure we will watch and update
$scope.filter =
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