Commit 4413d4d4 authored by Ujvari Gergely's avatar Ujvari Gergely

Issue 181: Asks before switching from detail view if an unsaved not-empty reply is open.

parent 31619902
class Hypothesis extends Annotator
# Annotator state variables.
this::bucket = -1 # * The index of the bucket shown in the summary view
this::detail = false # * Whether the viewer shows a summary or detail listing
this::hash = -1 # * cheap UUID :cake:
this::cache = {} # * object cache
this::visible = false # * Whether the sidebar is visible
this::bucket = -1 # * The index of the bucket shown in the summary view
this::detail = false # * Whether the viewer shows a summary or detail listing
this::hash = -1 # * cheap UUID :cake:
this::cache = {} # * object cache
this::visible = false # * Whether the sidebar is visible
this::reply_editor = null # * Whether there is an open reply editor
# Plugin configuration
Heatmap: {}
......@@ -323,6 +324,10 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
@provider.setupAnnotation stub
showViewer: (annotations=[], detail=false) =>
if @visible and not detail
if not this._canCloseUnsaved()
# Thread the messages using JWZ
messages = mail.messageThread().thread (a) ->
m = mail.message(null,, a.thread?.split('/') or [])
......@@ -482,9 +487,11 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
editor = this._createEditor()
@reply_editor = editor
editor.on 'save', (annotation) =>
this.publish 'annotationCreated', [annotation]
@reply_editor = null[0]).select('form')
......@@ -498,7 +505,9 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
.classed('writer', true)
editor.on('hide', => item.remove())
editor.on('hide', =>
@reply_editor = null)
context = '.thread'
......@@ -555,6 +564,18 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
$("#toolbar").removeClass "shown"
_canCloseUnsaved: ->
#See if there's an unsaved/uncancelled reply
can_close = true
unsaved_text = null
if @reply_editor
unsaved_text = @reply_editor.element[0].ownerDocument.activeElement.value
can_close = unsaved_text == null or unsaved_text.length < 1 or confirm "You have an unsaved reply. Do you really want to close the view?"
if can_close
@reply_editor = null
threadId: (annotation) ->
if annotation?.thread?
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