Commit 4fd12f8b authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Be defensively promise-y on idp adapter invocation

parent 393fc0d4
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ identityProvider = ->
# See
$get: [
($injector) ->
'$injector', '$q',
($injector, $q) ->
provider = this
loggedInUser = undefined
oncancel = null
......@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ identityProvider = ->
logout: ->
$injector.invoke(provider.forgetAuthorization, provider)
result = $injector.invoke(provider.forgetAuthorization, provider)
$q.when(result).finally(-> onlogout?())
# @ngdoc method
......@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ identityProvider = ->
request: (options={}) ->
{oncancel} = options
$injector.invoke(provider.requestAuthorization, provider)
.then(invokeCallbacks, oncancel)
result = $injector.invoke(provider.requestAuthorization, provider)
$q.when(result).then(invokeCallbacks, oncancel)
# @ngdoc method
......@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ identityProvider = ->
watch: (options) ->
{loggedInUser, onlogin, onlogout, onmatch} = options
$injector.invoke(provider.checkAuthorization, provider)
result = $injector.invoke(provider.checkAuthorization, provider)
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