Commit 5011915f authored by Kyle Keating's avatar Kyle Keating Committed by Kyle Keating

Improve typechecking on remaining components

- hypothesis-app
- search-input
- top-bar
- index (root sidebar index)
parent 0fd7c6e2
......@@ -20,14 +20,21 @@ import StreamContent from './stream-content';
import ToastMessages from './toast-messages';
import TopBar from './top-bar';
* @typedef {import('../../types/api').Profile} Profile
* @typedef {import('../services/service-url').ServiceUrlGetter} ServiceUrlGetter
* @typedef {import('../../types/config').MergedConfig} MergedConfig
* @typedef {import('../../shared/bridge').default} Bridge
* Return the user's authentication status from their profile.
* @param {Profile} profile - The profile object from the API.
function authStateFromProfile(profile) {
if (profile.userid) {
const parsed = parseAccountID(profile.userid);
const parsed = parseAccountID(profile.userid);
if (parsed) {
let displayName = parsed.username;
if (profile.user_info && profile.user_info.display_name) {
displayName = profile.user_info.display_name;
......@@ -44,11 +51,23 @@ function authStateFromProfile(profile) {
* @typedef HypothesisAppProps
* @prop {Object} [auth]
* @prop {Bridge} [bridge]
* @prop {ServiceUrlGetter} [serviceUrl]
* @prop {MergedConfig} [settings]
* @prop {Object} [session]
* @prop {Object} [toastMessenger]
* The root component for the Hypothesis client.
* This handles login/logout actions and renders the top navigation bar
* and content appropriate for the current route.
* @param {HypothesisAppProps} props
function HypothesisApp({
......@@ -198,7 +217,6 @@ function HypothesisApp({
HypothesisApp.propTypes = {
// Injected.
auth: propTypes.object,
bridge: propTypes.object,
serviceUrl: propTypes.func,
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Spinner from './spinner';
* @prop {boolean} [alwaysExpanded] -
* If true, the input field is always shown. If false, the input field is only shown
* if the query is non-empty.
* @prop {string} [query] - The currently active filter query
* @prop {string|null} query - The currently active filter query
* @prop {(value: string) => any} [onSearch] -
* Callback to invoke when the current filter query changes
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export default function SearchInput({ alwaysExpanded, query, onSearch }) {
placeholder={(isLoading && 'Loading…') || 'Search…'}
value={pendingQuery || ''}
onInput={e =>
setPendingQuery(/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (
......@@ -17,6 +17,24 @@ import SortMenu from './sort-menu';
import StreamSearchInput from './stream-search-input';
import UserMenu from './user-menu';
* @typedef {import('../../types/config').MergedConfig} MergedConfig
* @typedef {import('../components/user-menu').AuthState} AuthState
* @typedef {import('../../shared/bridge').default} Bridge
* @typedef TopBarProps
* @prop {AuthState} [auth]
* @prop {Bridge} bridge
* @prop {boolean} [isSidebar] - Flag indicating whether the app is the sidebar or a top-level page.
* @prop {() => any} [onLogin] - Callback invoked when user clicks "Login" button.
* @prop {() => any} [onLogout] - Callback invoked when user clicks "Logout" action in account menu.
* @prop {() => any} [onSignUp] - Callback invoked when user clicks "Sign up" button.
* @prop {MergedConfig} [settings]
* @prop {Object} [streamer]
* The toolbar which appears at the top of the sidebar providing actions
* to switch groups, view account information, sort/filter annotations etc.
......@@ -57,8 +75,8 @@ function TopBar({
* help requests, fire a relevant event instead
const requestHelp = () => {
const service = serviceConfig(settings) || {};
if (service.onHelpRequestProvided) {
const service = serviceConfig(settings);
if (service && service.onHelpRequestProvided) {;
} else {
......@@ -127,7 +145,7 @@ function TopBar({
<SearchInput query={filterQuery} onSearch={setFilterQuery} />
<SearchInput query={filterQuery || null} onSearch={setFilterQuery} />
<SortMenu />
{showSharePageButton && (
......@@ -155,37 +173,18 @@ function TopBar({
TopBar.propTypes = {
* Object containing current authentication status.
auth: propTypes.shape({
status: propTypes.string.isRequired,
// Additional properties when user is logged in.
displayName: propTypes.string,
userid: propTypes.string,
username: propTypes.string,
bridge: propTypes.object.isRequired,
* Flag indicating whether the app is the sidebar or a top-level page.
isSidebar: propTypes.bool,
* Callback invoked when user clicks "Login" button.
onLogin: propTypes.func,
/** Callback invoked when user clicks "Logout" action in account menu. */
onLogout: propTypes.func,
/** Callback invoked when user clicks "Sign up" button. */
onSignUp: propTypes.func,
// Services
settings: propTypes.object,
streamer: propTypes.object,
......@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ import { fetchConfig } from './util/fetch-config';
import * as sentry from './util/sentry';
// Read settings rendered into sidebar app HTML by service/extension.
const appConfig = jsonConfigsFrom(document);
const appConfig = /** @type {import('../types/config').SidebarConfig} */ (jsonConfigsFrom(
if (appConfig.sentry) {
// Initialize Sentry. This is required at the top of this file
......@@ -182,7 +184,9 @@ function startApp(config) {;
// Render the UI.
const appEl = document.querySelector('hypothesis-app');
const appEl = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (document.querySelector(
<ServiceContext.Provider value={container}>
<HypothesisApp />
......@@ -88,10 +88,11 @@ function closeSidebarPanel(panelName) {
* Toggle a sidebar panel from its current state, or set it to the
* designated `panelState`
* designated `panelState`.
* @param {string} panelName
* @param {boolean} panelState - Should the panel be active?
* @param {boolean} [panelState] -
* Should the panel be active? Omit this prop to simply toggle the value.
function toggleSidebarPanel(panelName, panelState) {
return {
......@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
import { createContext, createElement } from 'preact';
import { useContext } from 'preact/hooks';
* @typedef ServiceProvider
* @prop {(serviceName: string) => any} get
/** @type {ServiceProvider} */
const fallbackInjector = {
get(service) {
throw new Error(
......@@ -18,14 +18,5 @@
// Enable this once the rest of `src/sidebar` is checked.
// Files in `src/sidebar/components` that may still have errors.
// Remove them from this list as they are resolved.
......@@ -84,13 +84,15 @@
* TODO - Fill out remaining properties
* @typedef Profile
* @prop {string|null} userid
* @prop {Object} preferences
* @prop {boolean} [preferences.show_sidebar_tutorial]
* @prop {boolean} [preferences.show_sidebar_tutorial]
* @prop {Object.<string, boolean>} features
* @prop {Object} [user_info]
* @prop {string|null} user_info.display_name
* @prop {unknown} [groups] - Deprecated.
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