Commit 5ad1356c authored by Sean Roberts's avatar Sean Roberts Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #181 from hypothesis/centralize-tab-assignment

Consolidate logic for annotation <-> tab assignment
parents d88acafb f9ee271c
......@@ -49,6 +49,17 @@ function updateSession(session) {
* Return true if a given feature flag is enabled.
* @param {object} state - The application state
* @param {string} feature - The name of the feature flag. This matches the
* name of the feature flag as declared in the Hypothesis service.
function isFeatureEnabled(state, feature) {
return !!state.session.features[feature];
module.exports = {
init: init,
update: update,
......@@ -56,4 +67,7 @@ module.exports = {
actions: {
updateSession: updateSession,
// Selectors
isFeatureEnabled: isFeatureEnabled,
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ var buildThread = require('./build-thread');
var events = require('./events');
var memoize = require('./util/memoize');
var metadata = require('./annotation-metadata');
var tabs = require('./tabs');
var uiConstants = require('./ui-constants');
function truthyKeys(map) {
......@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ var sortFns = {
* The root thread is then displayed by viewer.html
// @ngInject
function RootThread($rootScope, annotationUI, drafts, features, searchFilter, viewFilter) {
function RootThread($rootScope, annotationUI, drafts, searchFilter, viewFilter) {
* Build the root conversation thread from the given UI state.
......@@ -60,37 +61,15 @@ function RootThread($rootScope, annotationUI, drafts, features, searchFilter, vi
var threadFilterFn;
if (state.isSidebar && !state.filterQuery) {
if (!features.flagEnabled('orphans_tab')) {
threadFilterFn = function (thread) {
if (!thread.annotation) {
return false;
if (state.selectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_NOTES) {
return metadata.isPageNote(thread.annotation);
} else {
return metadata.isAnnotation(thread.annotation) || metadata.isOrphan(thread.annotation);
} else {
threadFilterFn = function (thread) {
if (!thread.annotation) {
return false;
if (metadata.isWaitingToAnchor(thread.annotation)) {
return false;
switch (state.selectedTab) {
case uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS:
return metadata.isAnnotation(thread.annotation);
case uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS:
return metadata.isOrphan(thread.annotation);
case uiConstants.TAB_NOTES:
return metadata.isPageNote(thread.annotation);
throw new Error('Invalid selected tab');
threadFilterFn = function (thread) {
if (!thread.annotation) {
return false;
var separateOrphans = tabs.shouldSeparateOrphans(state);
return tabs.shouldShowInTab(thread.annotation, state.selectedTab,
// Get the currently loaded annotations and the set of inputs which
'use strict';
var metadata = require('./annotation-metadata');
var countIf = require('./util/array-util').countIf;
* Return a count of the number of Annotations, Page Notes, Orphans and
* annotations still being anchored in a set of `annotations`
function tabCounts(annotations, opts) {
opts = opts || {separateOrphans: false};
var counts = {
notes: countIf(annotations, metadata.isPageNote),
annotations: countIf(annotations, metadata.isAnnotation),
orphans: countIf(annotations, metadata.isOrphan),
anchoring: countIf(annotations, metadata.isWaitingToAnchor),
if (opts.separateOrphans) {
return counts;
} else {
return Object.assign({}, counts, {
annotations: counts.annotations + counts.orphans,
orphans: 0,
module.exports = tabCounts;
'use strict';
// Selectors that calculate the annotation counts displayed in tab headings
// and determine which tab an annotation should be displayed in.
var countIf = require('./util/array-util').countIf;
var metadata = require('./annotation-metadata');
var session = require('./reducers/session');
var uiConstants = require('./ui-constants');
* Return true if Annotations and Orphans should be displayed in separate tabs.
* @param {object} state - The current application state.
function shouldSeparateOrphans(state) {
return session.isFeatureEnabled(state, 'orphans_tab');
* Return the tab in which an annotation should be displayed.
* @param {Annotation} ann
* @param {boolean} separateOrphans - True if orphans should be displayed in a
* separate tab.
function tabForAnnotation(ann, separateOrphans) {
if (metadata.isOrphan(ann) && separateOrphans) {
return uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS;
} else if (metadata.isPageNote(ann)) {
return uiConstants.TAB_NOTES;
} else {
return uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS;
* Return true if an annotation should be displayed in a given tab.
* @param {Annotation} ann
* @param {number} tab - The TAB_* value indicating the tab
* @param {boolean} separateOrphans - True if orphans should be separated into
* their own tab.
function shouldShowInTab(ann, tab, separateOrphans) {
if (metadata.isWaitingToAnchor(ann) && separateOrphans) {
// Until this annotation anchors or fails to anchor, we do not know which
// tab it should be displayed in.
return false;
return tabForAnnotation(ann, separateOrphans) === tab;
* Return the counts for the headings of different tabs.
* @param {Annotation[]} annotations - List of annotations to display
* @param {boolean} separateOrphans - True if orphans should be displayed in a
* separate tab.
function counts(annotations, separateOrphans) {
var counts = {
notes: countIf(annotations, metadata.isPageNote),
annotations: countIf(annotations, metadata.isAnnotation),
orphans: countIf(annotations, metadata.isOrphan),
anchoring: countIf(annotations, metadata.isWaitingToAnchor),
if (separateOrphans) {
return counts;
} else {
return Object.assign({}, counts, {
annotations: counts.annotations + counts.orphans,
orphans: 0,
module.exports = {
counts: counts,
shouldSeparateOrphans: shouldSeparateOrphans,
shouldShowInTab: shouldShowInTab,
tabForAnnotation: tabForAnnotation,
......@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ describe('rootThread', function () {
var fakeAnnotationUI;
var fakeBuildThread;
var fakeDrafts;
var fakeFeatures;
var fakeSearchFilter;
var fakeViewFilter;
......@@ -46,6 +45,9 @@ describe('rootThread', function () {
highlighted: [],
isSidebar: true,
selectedAnnotationMap: null,
session: {
features: {'orphans_tab': true},
sortKey: 'Location',
sortKeysAvailable: ['Location'],
visibleHighlights: false,
......@@ -68,10 +70,6 @@ describe('rootThread', function () {
remove: sinon.stub(),
fakeFeatures = {
flagEnabled: sinon.stub().returns(true),
fakeSearchFilter = {
generateFacetedFilter: sinon.stub(),
......@@ -83,7 +81,6 @@ describe('rootThread', function () {
angular.module('app', [])
.value('annotationUI', fakeAnnotationUI)
.value('drafts', fakeDrafts)
.value('features', fakeFeatures)
.value('searchFilter', fakeSearchFilter)
.value('viewFilter', fakeViewFilter)
.service('rootThread', proxyquire('../root-thread', {
......@@ -276,22 +273,6 @@ describe('rootThread', function () {
// pages, since we show all types of annotations here
it('filter does not match annotation when it is still waiting to anchor', function () {
fakeAnnotationUI.state = Object.assign({}, fakeAnnotationUI.state,
{selectedTab: uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS});
var threadFilterFn = fakeBuildThread.args[0][1].threadFilterFn;
var annotation = {
$orphan: undefined,
target: [{ selector: {} }],
assert.isFalse(threadFilterFn({annotation: annotation}));
describe('when the filter query changes', function () {
'use strict';
var fixtures = require('./annotation-fixtures');
var tabCounts = require('../tab-counts');
describe('tabCounts', function () {
var annotation = Object.assign(fixtures.defaultAnnotation(), {$orphan:false});
var orphan = Object.assign(fixtures.defaultAnnotation(), {$orphan:true});
it('counts Annotations and Orphans together when the Orphans tab is not enabled', function () {
assert.deepEqual(tabCounts([annotation, orphan]), {
anchoring: 0,
annotations: 2,
notes: 0,
orphans: 0,
it('counts Annotations and Orphans separately when the Orphans tab is enabled', function () {
assert.deepEqual(tabCounts([annotation, orphan], {separateOrphans: true}), {
anchoring: 0,
annotations: 1,
notes: 0,
orphans: 1,
'use strict';
var fixtures = require('./annotation-fixtures');
var uiConstants = require('../ui-constants');
var tabs = require('../tabs');
var unroll = require('./util').unroll;
describe('tabs', function () {
describe('shouldSeparateOrphans', function () {
it('returns true if the "orphans_tab" flag is enabled', function () {
var state = {
session: {
features: {'orphans_tab': true},
it('returns false if the "orphans_tab" flag is not enabled', function () {
var state = {
session: {
features: {'orphans_tab': false},
describe('tabForAnnotation', function () {
unroll('shows annotation in correct tab', function (testCase) {
var ann = testCase.ann;
var expectedTab = testCase.expectedTab;
assert.equal(tabs.tabForAnnotation(ann, true /* separateOrphans */), expectedTab);
}, [{
ann: fixtures.defaultAnnotation(),
expectedTab: uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS,
ann: fixtures.oldPageNote(),
expectedTab: uiConstants.TAB_NOTES,
ann: Object.assign(fixtures.defaultAnnotation(), {$orphan: true}),
expectedTab: uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS,
describe('shouldShowInTab', function () {
unroll('returns true if the annotation should be shown', function (testCase) {
var ann = fixtures.defaultAnnotation();
ann.$orphan = testCase.orphan;
assert.equal(tabs.shouldShowInTab(ann, uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS,
testCase.separateOrphans), testCase.expectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS);
assert.equal(tabs.shouldShowInTab(ann, uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS,
testCase.separateOrphans), testCase.expectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS);
}, [{
orphan: undefined,
separateOrphans: false,
expectedTab: uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS,
orphan: undefined,
separateOrphans: true,
expectedTab: null,
orphan: false,
separateOrphans: true,
expectedTab: uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS,
orphan: true,
separateOrphans: true,
expectedTab: uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS,
describe('counts', function () {
var annotation = Object.assign(fixtures.defaultAnnotation(), {$orphan:false});
var orphan = Object.assign(fixtures.defaultAnnotation(), {$orphan:true});
it('counts Annotations and Orphans together when the Orphans tab is not enabled', function () {
assert.deepEqual(tabs.counts([annotation, orphan], false), {
anchoring: 0,
annotations: 2,
notes: 0,
orphans: 0,
it('counts Annotations and Orphans separately when the Orphans tab is enabled', function () {
assert.deepEqual(tabs.counts([annotation, orphan], true), {
anchoring: 0,
annotations: 1,
notes: 0,
orphans: 1,
......@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
var SearchClient = require('./search-client');
var events = require('./events');
var memoize = require('./util/memoize');
var metadata = require('./annotation-metadata');
var tabCounts = require('./tab-counts');
var uiConstants = require('./ui-constants');
var tabs = require('./tabs');
function firstKey(object) {
for (var k in object) {
......@@ -47,9 +45,8 @@ module.exports = function WidgetController(
$scope.rootThread = thread();
$scope.selectedTab = state.selectedTab;
var counts = tabCounts(state.annotations, {
separateOrphans: features.flagEnabled('orphans_tab'),
var separateOrphans = tabs.shouldSeparateOrphans(state);
var counts = tabs.counts(state.annotations, separateOrphans);
Object.assign($scope, {
totalNotes: counts.notes,
......@@ -76,23 +73,6 @@ module.exports = function WidgetController(
/** Returns the annotation type - note or annotation of the first annotation
* in `results` whose ID is a key in `selectedAnnotationMap`.
function tabContainingAnnotation(annot) {
if (metadata.isOrphan(annot)) {
if (features.flagEnabled('orphans_tab')) {
return uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS;
} else {
return uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS;
} else if (metadata.isPageNote(annot)) {
return uiConstants.TAB_NOTES;
} else {
return uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS;
* Returns the Annotation object for the first annotation in the
* selected annotation set. Note that 'first' refers to the order
......@@ -249,8 +229,8 @@ module.exports = function WidgetController(
var targetTab = tabContainingAnnotation(selectedAnnot);
var separateOrphans = tabs.shouldSeparateOrphans(annotationUI.getState());
annotationUI.selectTab(tabs.tabForAnnotation(selectedAnnot, separateOrphans));
$scope.$on(events.GROUP_FOCUSED, function () {
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