Commit 65ba2482 authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Remove annotator dependency from controllers

parent 997d177f
......@@ -54,18 +54,17 @@ class UISyncController
class AppController
this.$inject = [
'$document', '$location', '$route', '$scope', '$window',
'annotator', 'auth', 'drafts', 'identity',
'permissions', 'streamer', 'streamfilter'
'$document', '$location', '$route', '$scope', '$window', '$rootScope',
'auth', 'documentHelpers', 'drafts', 'identity',
'permissions', 'streamer', 'streamfilter', 'crossFrameUI',
'annotationLoader', 'threading'
constructor: (
$document, $location, $route, $scope, $window,
annotator, auth, drafts, identity,
permissions, streamer, streamfilter,
$document, $location, $route, $scope, $window, $rootScope,
auth, documentHelpers, drafts, identity,
permissions, streamer, streamfilter, crossFrameUI,
annotationLoader, threading
) ->
{plugins, host, providers} = annotator
$scope.auth = auth
isFirstRun = $'firstrun')
......@@ -78,10 +77,10 @@ class AppController
return unless data?.length
switch action
when 'create', 'update', 'past'
annotator.loadAnnotations data
annotationLoader.loadAnnotations data
when 'delete'
for annotation in data
annotator.publish 'annotationDeleted', (annotation)
$rootScope.$emit('annotationDeleted', annotation)
streamer.onmessage = (data) ->
return if !data or data.type != 'annotation-notification'
......@@ -97,12 +96,12 @@ class AppController
# Clean up any annotations that need to be unloaded.
for id, container of $scope.threading.idTable when container.message
# Remove annotations not belonging to this user when highlighting.
if annotator.tool is 'highlight' and annotation.user != auth.user
annotator.publish 'annotationDeleted', container.message
if crossFrameUI.tool is 'highlight' and annotation.user != auth.user
$rootScope.$emit('annotationDeleted', container.message)
drafts.remove annotation
# Remove annotations the user is not authorized to view.
else if not permissions.permits 'read', container.message, auth.user
annotator.publish 'annotationDeleted', container.message
$rootScope.$emit('annotationDeleted', container.message)
drafts.remove container.message
$scope.$watch '', (name) ->
......@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ class AppController
# Update any edits in progress.
for draft in drafts.all()
annotator.publish 'beforeAnnotationCreated', draft
$rootScope.$emit('beforeAnnotationCreated', draft)
# Reopen the streamer.
......@@ -167,18 +166,18 @@ class AppController
delete $scope.selectedAnnotationsCount
$scope.sort = name: 'Location'
$scope.threading = plugins.Threading
$scope.threading = threading
$scope.threadRoot = $scope.threading?.root
class AnnotationViewerController
this.$inject = [
'$location', '$routeParams', '$scope',
'annotator', 'streamer', 'store', 'streamfilter'
'streamer', 'store', 'streamfilter', 'annotationLoader'
constructor: (
$location, $routeParams, $scope,
annotator, streamer, store, streamfilter
streamer, store, streamfilter, annotationLoader
) ->
# Tells the view that these annotations are standalone
$scope.isEmbedded = false
......@@ -195,11 +194,10 @@ class AnnotationViewerController
id = $
store.SearchResource.get _id: id, ({rows}) ->
$scope.threadRoot = children: [$scope.threading.getContainer(id)]
store.SearchResource.get references: id, ({rows}) ->
......@@ -210,12 +208,12 @@ class AnnotationViewerController
class ViewerController
this.$inject = [
'$scope', '$route',
'annotator', 'auth', 'flash', 'streamer', 'streamfilter', 'store'
'$scope', '$route', 'crossFrameUI', 'annotationLoader',
'auth', 'flash', 'streamer', 'streamfilter', 'store'
constructor: (
$scope, $route,
annotator, auth, flash, streamer, streamfilter, store
$scope, $route, crossFrameUI, annotationLoader,
auth, flash, streamer, streamfilter, store
) ->
# Tells the view that these annotations are embedded into the owner doc
$scope.isEmbedded = true
......@@ -225,42 +223,42 @@ class ViewerController
loadAnnotations = ->
query = limit: 200
if annotator.tool is 'highlight'
if crossFrameUI.tool is 'highlight'
return unless auth.user
query.user = auth.user
for p in annotator.providers
for p in crossFrameUI.providers
for e in p.entities when e not in loaded
loaded.push e
store.SearchResource.get angular.extend(uri: e, query), (results) ->
streamfilter.resetFilter().addClause('/uri', 'one_of', loaded)
if auth.user and annotator.tool is 'highlight'
if auth.user and crossFrameUI.tool is 'highlight'
streamfilter.addClause('/user', auth.user)
streamer.send({filter: streamfilter.getFilter()})
$scope.$watch (-> annotator.tool), (newVal, oldVal) ->
$scope.$watch (-> crossFrameUI.tool), (newVal, oldVal) ->
return if newVal is oldVal
$scope.$watchCollection (-> annotator.providers), loadAnnotations
$scope.$watchCollection (-> crossFrameUI.providers), loadAnnotations
$scope.focus = (annotation) ->
if angular.isObject annotation
highlights = [annotation.$$tag]
highlights = []
for p in annotator.providers
for p in crossFrameUI.providers
method: 'focusAnnotations'
params: highlights
$scope.scrollTo = (annotation) ->
if angular.isObject annotation
for p in annotator.providers
for p in crossFrameUI.providers
method: 'scrollToAnnotation'
params: annotation.$$tag
class StreamSearchController
this.inject = [
'$scope', '$rootScope', '$routeParams',
'annotator', 'auth', 'queryparser', 'searchfilter', 'store',
'streamer', 'streamfilter'
'auth', 'queryparser', 'searchfilter', 'store',
'streamer', 'streamfilter', 'annotationLoader'
constructor: (
$scope, $rootScope, $routeParams
annotator, auth, queryparser, searchfilter, store,
streamer, streamfilter
auth, queryparser, searchfilter, store,
streamer, streamfilter, annotationLoader
) ->
# Initialize the base filter
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