Commit 6c4618d7 authored by Ujvari Gergely's avatar Ujvari Gergely

Pagesearch does not show separate cards for every matching item in a thread

The SearchController.refresh() function has been enhanced in a way that it keeps track of already chosen top-level annotations that way for every annotation we check if the root is already added or not. If added we don't have to add it again. This on
Fixes #849
parent ccdcc89d
......@@ -804,15 +804,35 @@ class Search
annotator.highlighter = $scope.highlighter
threads = []
roots = {}
$scope.render_order = {}
# Choose the root annotations to work with
for id, thread of annotator.threading.idTable when thread.message?
annotation = thread.message
annotation_root = if annotation.references? then annotation.references[0] else
# Already handled thread
if roots[annotation_root]? then continue
if in $scope.search_filter
threads.push thread
$scope.render_order[] = []
buildRenderOrder(, [thread])
# Maybe we have an upper level match too
top_match = null
if annotation.references?
for reference in annotation.references
if reference in $scope.search_filter
top_thread = annotator.threading.getContainer reference
top_match = top_thread.message
if top_match
threads.push top_match
$scope.render_order[] = []
buildRenderOrder(, [top_thread])
# We do not have upper match
threads.push thread
$scope.render_order[] = []
buildRenderOrder(, [thread])
roots[annotation_root] = true
# Maybe it has a child we were looking for
......@@ -828,6 +848,7 @@ class Search
threads.push thread
$scope.render_order[] = []
buildRenderOrder(, [thread])
roots[annotation_root] = true
# Re-construct exact order the annotation threads will be shown
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