Commit 7774abe7 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Avoid unnecessary annotation renders

The pattern of comparing the new value passed to a watcher with the old
value is idiomatic angular for avoiding the first digest. Instead, the
first digest is covered by the watch on the model reference identity.
After the initial rendering, the model will not change but the other
properties may, at which point re-rendering will occur.
parent 8a500a03
......@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ AnnotationController = [
# Note that copy is used so that deep properties aren't shared.
angular.extend @annotation, angular.copy model
# Set the URI
@annotationURI = documentHelpers.absoluteURI("/a/#{}")
# Extract the document metadata.
if model.document
uri = model.uri
......@@ -221,25 +224,29 @@ AnnotationController = [
drafts.remove model
# Render on updates.
$scope.$watch (-> model.updated), (updated) =>
$scope.$watch (-> model.updated), (updated, old) =>
return if updated is old
if updated then drafts.remove model
this.render() # XXX: TODO: don't clobber the view when collaborating
# Update once logged in.
$scope.$watch (-> model.user), (user) =>
if highlight and this.isHighlight()
$scope.$watch (-> model.user), (user, old) =>
return if user is old
if highlight and vm.isHighlight()
if user
annotator.publish 'annotationCreated', model
drafts.add model, => this.revert()
drafts.add model, -> this.revert()
# Calculate things neded for the visual diff support
$scope.$watch (->, (=> this.render()), true
$scope.$watch (->, (targets, old) =>
return if targets is old
, true
$scope.$watch (=>, =>
vm.annotationURI = documentHelpers.absoluteURI("/a/#{}")
$scope.$watch (-> model), => this.render()
# Start editing brand new annotations immediately
unless or (highlight and this.isHighlight()) then this.edit()
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