Commit 7aaad32f authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Run <excerpt> initialization asynchronously

Run initialization of <excerpt> asynchronously so that any
directives inside its children have been resolved by the time
updateContentMaxHeight() is called.

In the context of the annotation list, the maxHeight
style property of the content element was set to 0 for the
annotation quotes because the 'ngRepeat' directive which
creates the DOM elements for the quotes had not run by the time
that updateContentMaxHeight() was called.
parent 5f80a473
'use strict';
function ExcerptController() {
this.collapse = true;
if (this.collapse === undefined) {
this.collapse = true;
if (this.animate === undefined) {
this.animate = true;
this.enabled = this.enabled || function () {
return true;
......@@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ function toPx(val) {
* and collapsing the resulting truncated element.
// @ngInject
function excerpt($timeout) {
function excerpt() {
return {
bindToController: true,
controller: ExcerptController,
......@@ -52,13 +58,15 @@ function excerpt($timeout) {
function checkForOverflowChange() {
function updateContentMaxHeight() {
if (ctrl.collapse) { = toPx(ctrl.collapsedHeight);
} else { = toPx(contentElem.scrollHeight); =
ctrl.animate ? toPx(contentElem.scrollHeight) : '';
......@@ -69,39 +77,50 @@ function excerpt($timeout) {
return contentElem.scrollHeight > ctrl.collapsedHeight;
scope.$watch('vm.enabled()', function (isEnabled) {
if (isEnabled) {
contentElem = elem[0].querySelector('.excerpt');
// trigger a recalculation of ctrl.overflowing() and properties
// which depend upon it when embedded media loads.
// In future we might wish to trigger checking for other events
// outside of Angular's knowledge as well, eg. loading of embedded
// media
contentElem.addEventListener('load', checkForOverflowChange,
true /* capture. 'load' events do not bubble */);
// init function which sets up watches that perform the initial
// call to updateContentMaxHeight() to collapse the <excerpt> and
// alter the state if the <excerpt> is expanded/collapsed in future
function init() {
scope.$watch('vm.enabled()', function (isEnabled) {
if (isEnabled) {
contentElem = elem[0].querySelector('.excerpt');
// trigger a recalculation of ctrl.overflowing() and properties
// which depend upon it when embedded media loads.
// In future we might wish to trigger checking for other events
// outside of Angular's knowledge as well, eg. loading of embedded
// media
contentElem.addEventListener('load', checkForOverflowChange,
true /* capture. 'load' events do not bubble */);
} else {
contentElem = undefined;
scope.$watch('vm.collapse', function (isCollapsed) {
if (!contentElem) {
} else {
contentElem = undefined;
scope.$watch('vm.collapse', function (isCollapsed) {
if (!contentElem) {
scope.$watch('vm.overflowing()', function () {
if (ctrl.onCollapsibleChanged) {
ctrl.onCollapsibleChanged({collapsible: ctrl.overflowing()});
scope.$watch('vm.overflowing()', function () {
if (ctrl.onCollapsibleChanged) {
ctrl.onCollapsibleChanged({collapsible: ctrl.overflowing()});
// run the init() function asynchronously so that any
// directives in the transcluded content of the DOM have been
// processed by the time the first call to updateContentMaxHeight()
// happens.
scope: {
/** Whether or not expansion should be animated. Defaults to true. */
animate: '=',
/** Whether or not truncation should be enabled */
enabled: '&?',
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