Commit 8b4b6876 authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Remove .listen method from UISyncController

parent 25e2af6b
class UISyncController
constructor: (@appScope) ->
listen: ->
@appScope.$on('showAnnotations', this._onShowAnnotations)
@appScope.$on('focusAnnotations', this._onFocusAnnotations)
@appScope.$on('toggleAnnotationSelection', this._onToggleAnnotationSelection)
@appScope.$on('getDocumentInfo', this._onGetDocumentInfo)
@appScope.$on('annotationsLoaded', this._onAnnotationsLoaded)
_getAnnotationsForTags: (tags) ->
# TODO: Should be implemented in the bridge or the threading plugin.
......@@ -48,8 +48,12 @@ class UISyncController
delete @appScope.selectedAnnotations[]
_onGetDocumentInfo: ->
_onGetDocumentInfo: =>
_onAnnotationsLoaded: =>
class AppController
......@@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ class ViewerController
for p in crossFrameUI.providers
for e in p.entities when e not in loaded
loaded.push e
store.SearchResource.get angular.extend(uri: e, query), (results) ->
r = store.SearchResource.get angular.extend(uri: e, query), (results) ->
streamfilter.resetFilter().addClause('/uri', 'one_of', loaded)
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