Commit a02defc8 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Enable Prettier for code other than PDF.js in dev-server/static/scripts/

We only want to exclude the vendored PDF.js code from Prettier formatting. The
other small scripts in dev-server/static/scripts/ should be formatted.
parent 5f239b1f
* Because the code in this file is not transpiled by Babel, it must be compatible
* with all the supported browsers version (see `browserlist` in `package.json`)
* without transpilation. Do not include latest EcmaScript features as these
* will cause exceptions while working on dev (`localhost:3000`) on slightly
* older, yet supported browser versions.
* Because the code in this file is not transpiled by Babel, it must be compatible
* with all the supported browsers version (see `browserlist` in `package.json`)
* without transpilation. Do not include latest EcmaScript features as these
* will cause exceptions while working on dev (`localhost:3000`) on slightly
* older, yet supported browser versions.
// Code for controls on the dev server homepage.
......@@ -24,11 +24,18 @@
// Set up links whose URLs should have a randomly generated suffix.
const randomizedLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.js-randomize-url'));
const randomizedLinks = Array.from(
for (let link of randomizedLinks) {
const randomizeUrl = () => {
const randomHexString = Math.random().toString().slice(2 /* strip "0." prefix */, 6);
link.href = link.href.replace(/(\/rand-.*)?$/, `/rand-${randomHexString}`);
const randomHexString = Math.random()
.slice(2 /* strip "0." prefix */, 6);
link.href = link.href.replace(
link.addEventListener('click', randomizeUrl);
* Because the code in this file is not transpiled by Babel, it must be compatible
* with all the supported browsers version (see `browserlist` in `package.json`)
* without transpilation. Do not include latest EcmaScript features as these
* will cause exceptions while working on dev (`localhost:3000`) on slightly
* older, yet supported browser versions.
* Because the code in this file is not transpiled by Babel, it must be compatible
* with all the supported browsers version (see `browserlist` in `package.json`)
* without transpilation. Do not include latest EcmaScript features as these
* will cause exceptions while working on dev (`localhost:3000`) on slightly
* older, yet supported browser versions.
/** @type {string|null} */
let activeClientUrl;
......@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ function loadClient(clientUrl) {
* This uses the same method as the browser extension does to deactivate the client.
function unloadClient() {
let annotatorLink = document.querySelector('link[type="application/annotator+html"]');
let annotatorLink = document.querySelector(
if (annotatorLink) {
annotatorLink.dispatchEvent(new Event('destroy'));
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