Commit a02f8bbb authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Convert a function from Promises to async/await

This is a small readability improvement, but mostly a canary to test
that the async-await support added in the previous commit is working.
parent 10b4b98f
......@@ -281,15 +281,14 @@ function auth(
* This revokes and then forgets any OAuth credentials that the user has.
function logout() {
return Promise.all([tokenInfoPromise, oauthClient()])
.then(([token, client]) => {
return client.revokeToken(token.accessToken);
.then(() => {
tokenInfoPromise = Promise.resolve(null);
async function logout() {
const [token, client] = await Promise.all([
await client.revokeToken(token.accessToken);
tokenInfoPromise = Promise.resolve(null);
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