Commit a488bc57 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Simplify user page search

parent 6290d3d7
......@@ -433,11 +433,8 @@ class ViewFilter
match: (term, value) -> return value is term
autofalse: (annotation) -> return not annotation.user?
value: (annotation) ->
# XXX: Hopefully there is a cleaner solution
# XXX: To reach persona filter from here
return (annotation.user?.match /^acct:([^@]+)@(.+)/)?[1]
match: (term, value) -> return value is term
value: (annotation) -> return annotation.user
match: (term, value) -> return value.indexOf(term) > -1
fields: ['quote', 'text', 'tag', 'user']
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