Commit a68907ef authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Add initial round of tests for AnnotationSync

parent 224c213f
assert = chai.assert
sinon.assert.expose(assert, prefix: '')
describe 'AnnotationSync', ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
publish = null
fakeBridge = null
createAnnotationSync = null
createChannel = -> {notify: sandbox.stub()}
options = null
beforeEach module('h')
beforeEach inject (AnnotationSync) ->
listeners = {}
publish = ({method, params}) -> listeners[method]('ctx', params)
fakeWindow = parent: PARENT_WINDOW
fakeBridge =
on: sandbox.spy((method, fn) -> listeners[method] = fn)
notify: sandbox.stub()
onConnect: sandbox.stub()
links: [
{window: PARENT_WINDOW, channel: createChannel()}
{window: 'ANOTHER_WINDOW', channel: createChannel()}
{window: 'THIRD_WINDOW', channel: createChannel()}
options =
on: sandbox.stub()
emit: sandbox.stub()
createAnnotationSync = ->
new AnnotationSync(options, fakeBridge)
afterEach: -> sandbox.restore()
describe 'on bridge connection', ->
it 'sends over the current annotation cache', ->
ann = {id: 1, $$tag: 'tag1'}
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
annSync.cache['tag1'] = ann
channel = createChannel()
assert.calledWith(channel.notify, {
method: 'loadAnnotations'
params: [tag: 'tag1', msg: ann]
it 'does nothing if the cache is empty', ->
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
channel = createChannel()
describe '.getAnnotationForTag', ->
it 'returns the annotation if present in the cache', ->
ann = {id: 1, $$tag: 'tag1'}
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
annSync.cache['tag1'] = ann
cached = annSync.getAnnotationForTag('tag1')
assert.equal(cached, ann)
it 'returns null if not present in the cache', ->
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
cached = annSync.getAnnotationForTag('tag1')
describe 'channel event handlers', ->
assertBroadcast = (channelEvent, publishEvent) ->
it 'broadcasts the "' + publishEvent + '" event over the local event bus', ->
ann = {id: 1, $$tag: 'tag1'}
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
publish(method: channelEvent, params: {msg: ann})
assert.calledWith(options.emit, publishEvent, ann)
assertReturnValue = (channelEvent) ->
it 'returns a formatted annotation to be sent to the calling frame', ->
ann = {id: 1, $$tag: 'tag1'}
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
ret = publish(method: channelEvent, params: {msg: ann})
assert.deepEqual(ret, {tag: 'tag1', msg: ann})
assertCacheState = (channelEvent) ->
it 'removes an existing entry from the cache before the event is triggered', ->
options.emit = -> assert(!annSync.cache['tag1'])
ann = {id: 1, $$tag: 'tag1'}
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
annSync.cache['tag1'] = ann
publish(method: channelEvent, params: {msg: ann})
it 'ensures the annotation is inserted in the cache', ->
ann = {id: 1, $$tag: 'tag1'}
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
publish(method: channelEvent, params: {msg: ann})
assert.equal(annSync.cache['tag1'], ann)
describe 'on "beforeCreateAnnotation" event', ->
assertBroadcast('beforeCreateAnnotation', 'beforeAnnotationCreated')
describe 'on "createAnnotation" event', ->
assertBroadcast('createAnnotation', 'annotationCreated')
describe 'on "updateAnnotation" event', ->
assertBroadcast('updateAnnotation', 'annotationUpdated')
assertBroadcast('updateAnnotation', 'beforeAnnotationUpdated')
describe 'on "deleteAnnotation" event', ->
assertBroadcast('deleteAnnotation', 'annotationDeleted')
it 'removes an existing entry from the cache before the event is triggered', ->
options.emit = -> assert(!annSync.cache['tag1'])
ann = {id: 1, $$tag: 'tag1'}
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
annSync.cache['tag1'] = ann
publish(method: 'deleteAnnotation', params: {msg: ann})
it 'removes the annotation from the cache', ->
ann = {id: 1, $$tag: 'tag1'}
annSync = createAnnotationSync()
publish(method: 'deleteAnnotation', params: {msg: ann})
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