Commit abcc60e8 authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Updated d-t-m to 51d47b6e (master branch)

parent 61f3a7ed
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ class window.PageTextMapperCore
#console.log "Allegedly rendered page #" + index
# Is it really rendered?
unless @_isPageRendered index
#console.log "Page #" + index + " is not really rendered yet."
unless @_isPageRendered(index) and @pageInfo[index]
# console.log "Page #" + index + " is not really rendered yet."
setTimeout (=> @_onPageRendered index), 1000
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class window.PageTextMapperCore
# Create the mappings for a given page
_mapPage: (info) ->
# console.log "Mapping page", info.index
info.node = @getRootNodeForPage info.index
info.domMapper = new DomTextMapper("d-t-m for page #" + info.index)
info.domMapper.setRootNode info.node
......@@ -145,7 +146,6 @@ class window.PageTextMapperCore
# Go over the pages, and calculate some basic info
pos = 0
@pageInfo.forEach (info, i) =>
info.index = i
info.len = info.content.length
info.start = pos
info.end = (pos += info.len + 1)
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