Commit b40e4912 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Like with like

parent 2ad038a5
......@@ -30,6 +30,76 @@ class App
# Resolved once the API service has been discovered.
storeReady = $q.defer()
applyUpdates = (action, data) ->
return unless data?.length
if action == 'past'
action = 'create'
inRootScope = (annotation, recursive = false) ->
if recursive and annotation.references?
return inRootScope({id: annotation.references[0]})
for ann in $rootScope.annotations
return true if is
switch action
when 'create'
# Sorting the data for updates.
# Because sometimes a reply can arrive in the same package as the
# Root annotation, we have to make a len(references, updates sort
data.sort (a,b) ->
ref_a = a.references?.length or 0
ref_b = b.references?.length or 0
return ref_a - ref_b if ref_a != ref_b
a_upd = if a.updated? then new Date(a.updated) else new Date()
b_upd = if b.updated? then new Date(b.updated) else new Date()
a_upd.getTime() - b_upd.getTime()
# XXX: Temporary workaround until solving the race condition for annotationsLoaded event
# Between threading and bridge plugins
for annotation in data
plugins.Threading.thread annotation
if plugins.Store?
plugins.Store._onLoadAnnotations data
# XXX: Ugly workaround to update the scope content
for annotation in data
switch $rootScope.viewState.view
when 'Document'
unless annotator.isComment(annotation)
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation, true)
when 'Comments'
if annotator.isComment(annotation)
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
when 'update'
plugins.Store._onLoadAnnotations data
if $location.path() is '/stream'
for annotation in data
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
when 'delete'
for annotation in data
# Remove it from the rootScope too
for ann, index in $rootScope.annotations
if is
$rootScope.annotations.splice(index, 1)
container = annotator.threading.getContainer
if container.message
# XXX: This is a temporary workaround until real client-side only
# XXX: delete will be introduced
index = plugins.Store.annotations.indexOf container.message
plugins.Store.annotations[index..index] = [] if index > -1
annotator.deleteAnnotation container.message
# Refresh page search
$route.reload() if $location.path() is '/page_search' and data.length
initIdentity = (persona) ->
# Store the argument as the claimed user id.
claimedUser = persona
......@@ -381,76 +451,6 @@ class App
$scope.socialView = annotator.socialView
applyUpdates = (action, data) ->
return unless data?.length
if action == 'past'
action = 'create'
inRootScope = (annotation, recursive = false) ->
if recursive and annotation.references?
return inRootScope({id: annotation.references[0]})
for ann in $rootScope.annotations
return true if is
switch action
when 'create'
# Sorting the data for updates.
# Because sometimes a reply can arrive in the same package as the
# Root annotation, we have to make a len(references, updates sort
data.sort (a,b) ->
ref_a = a.references?.length or 0
ref_b = b.references?.length or 0
return ref_a - ref_b if ref_a != ref_b
a_upd = if a.updated? then new Date(a.updated) else new Date()
b_upd = if b.updated? then new Date(b.updated) else new Date()
a_upd.getTime() - b_upd.getTime()
# XXX: Temporary workaround until solving the race condition for annotationsLoaded event
# Between threading and bridge plugins
for annotation in data
plugins.Threading.thread annotation
if plugins.Store?
plugins.Store._onLoadAnnotations data
# XXX: Ugly workaround to update the scope content
for annotation in data
switch $rootScope.viewState.view
when 'Document'
unless annotator.isComment(annotation)
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation, true)
when 'Comments'
if annotator.isComment(annotation)
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
when 'update'
plugins.Store._onLoadAnnotations data
if $location.path() is '/stream'
for annotation in data
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
when 'delete'
for annotation in data
# Remove it from the rootScope too
for ann, index in $rootScope.annotations
if is
$rootScope.annotations.splice(index, 1)
container = annotator.threading.getContainer
if container.message
# XXX: This is a temporary workaround until real client-side only
# XXX: delete will be introduced
index = plugins.Store.annotations.indexOf container.message
plugins.Store.annotations[index..index] = [] if index > -1
annotator.deleteAnnotation container.message
# Refresh page search
$route.reload() if $location.path() is '/page_search' and data.length
class Annotation
this.$inject = [
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