Commit bee7fc39 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

move renderAnnatotation into a method

parent 5763509e
......@@ -343,11 +343,10 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
items.enter().append('li').classed('annotation', true)
.each (d) ->
_t =
unless this and _t.classed('summary')
_t.html Handlebars.templates.summary d.message.annotation
.html (d) =>
env = $.extend {}, d.message.annotation,
text: this.renderAnnotation d.message.annotation
Handlebars.templates.summary env
.classed('detail', false)
.classed('summary', true)
.classed('paper', true)
......@@ -416,9 +415,10 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
"#{count} " + (if count == 1 then 'reply' else 'replies')
unless count == 0
d.message.annotation.replyCount = replyCount
.html (d) ->
Handlebars.templates.detail d.message.annotation
.html (d) =>
env = $.extend {}, d.message.annotation,
text: this.renderAnnotation d.message.annotation
Handlebars.templates.detail env
.classed('paper', (c) -> not c.parent.message?)
.classed('detail', true)
.classed('summary', false)
......@@ -556,16 +556,14 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
window.Hypothesis = Hypothesis
renderAnnotation: (annotation) ->
text = annotation.text
#Must do escaping manually, since we will need to disable Handlebar's autoamtic escaping,
# so that it leaves the inserted links intact
safe_text = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(text)
rendered_text = safe_text.replace /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g, (match) ->
"<a href=\"" + match + "\">" + match + "</a>"
annotation.rendered_text = rendered_text
renderAnnotation = (annotation) ->
text = annotation.text
#Must do escaping manually, since we will need to disable Handlebar's autoamtic escaping,
# so that it leaves the inserted links intact
safe_text = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(text)
rendered_text = safe_text.replace /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g, (match) ->
"<a href=\"" + match + "\">" + match + "</a>"
annotation.rendered_text = rendered_text
window.renderAnnotation = renderAnnotation
window.Hypothesis = Hypothesis
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