Commit c65f8752 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Restore the location sort for annotations

parent 80fa1f37
......@@ -167,11 +167,17 @@ module.exports = class Guest extends Annotator
return new Promise(raf).then ->
range = Annotator.Range.sniff(anchor.range)
normedRange = range.normalize(self.element[0])
anchor.highlights = highlighter.highlightRange(normedRange)
highlights = highlighter.highlightRange(normedRange)
rect = highlighter.getBoundingClientRect(highlights)
anchor.highlights = highlights
anchor.pos =
left: rect.left + window.scrollX
top: + window.scrollY
return anchor
return anchor
sync = (anchors) ->
annotation.$anchors = ({pos} for {pos} in anchors)
annotation.$orphan = anchors.length > 0
for anchor in anchors
if anchor.range?
......@@ -27,3 +27,17 @@ exports.highlightRange = (normedRange, cssClass='annotator-hl') ->
exports.removeHighlights = (highlights) ->
for h in highlights when h.parentNode?
# Get the bounding client rectangle of a collection in viewport coordinates.
# Unfortunately, Chrome has issues[1] with Range.getBoundingClient rect or we
# could just use that.
# [1]
exports.getBoundingClientRect = (collection) ->
# Reduce the client rectangles of the highlights to a bounding box
rects = -> n.getBoundingClientRect())
return rects.reduce (acc, r) ->
top: Math.min(,
left: Math.min(acc.left, r.left)
bottom: Math.max(acc.bottom, r.bottom)
right: Math.max(acc.right, r.right)
......@@ -3,19 +3,7 @@ raf = require('raf')
Annotator = require('annotator')
$ = Annotator.$
# Get the bounding client rectangle of a collection in viewport coordinates.
# Unfortunately, Chrome has issues[1] with Range.getBoundingClient rect or we
# could just use that.
# [1]
getBoundingClientRect = (collection) ->
# Reduce the client rectangles of the highlights to a bounding box
rects = -> n.getBoundingClientRect())
return rects.reduce (acc, r) ->
top: Math.min(,
left: Math.min(acc.left, r.left)
bottom: Math.max(acc.bottom, r.bottom)
right: Math.max(acc.right, r.right)
highlighter = require('../highlighter')
# Scroll to the next closest anchor off screen in the given direction.
......@@ -26,7 +14,7 @@ scrollToClosest = (anchors, direction) ->
return acc
{start, next} = acc
rect = getBoundingClientRect(anchor.highlights)
rect = highlighter.getBoundingClientRect(anchor.highlights)
# Ignore if it's not in the right direction.
if (dir is 1 and >= 0)
......@@ -123,7 +111,7 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.BucketBar extends Annotator.Plugin
unless anchor.highlights?.length
return points
rect = getBoundingClientRect(anchor.highlights)
rect = highlighter.getBoundingClientRect(anchor.highlights)
x =
h = rect.bottom -
......@@ -74,7 +74,11 @@ module.exports = class AppController
predicate = switch name
when 'Newest' then ['-!!message', '-message.updated']
when 'Oldest' then ['-!!message', 'message.updated']
when 'Location' then ['-!!message', '[0]']
when 'Location' then [
$scope.sort = {name, predicate}
$scope.$watch (-> auth.user), (newVal, oldVal) ->
......@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ module.exports = class CrossFrame
new Discovery($window, options)
createAnnotationSync = ->
whitelist = ['$highlight', '$orphan', 'target', 'document', 'uri']
whitelist = [
'$anchors', '$highlight', '$orphan',
'target', 'document', 'uri'
options =
formatter: (annotation) ->
formatted = {}
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