Commit cb44d394 authored by RawKStar77's avatar RawKStar77

Rename variables

Went with Aron's suggestion of suffixing raw nodes with 'El,' and got rid of the
variable 'ourIframeSelection' as it has nothing to do with iframes and the code
could be written without the need for that variable.

input -> inputEl
textarea -> input
parent 410e24a3
......@@ -11,21 +11,20 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
link: (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) ->
return unless ctrl?
input = elem.find('textarea')
output = elem.find('div')[1]
textarea = input[0]
inputEl = elem.find('.js-markdown-input')
input = elem.find('.js-markdown-input')[0]
output = elem.find('.js-markdown-preview')[0]
userSelection = ->
ourIframeSelection = $window.getSelection().toString()
if textarea.selectionStart != undefined
startPos = textarea.selectionStart
endPos = textarea.selectionEnd
if ourIframeSelection
selectedText = ourIframeSelection
if input.selectionStart != undefined
startPos = input.selectionStart
endPos = input.selectionEnd
if $window.getSelection().toString()
selectedText = $window.getSelection().toString()
selectedText = textarea.value.substring(startPos, endPos)
textBefore = textarea.value.substring(0, (startPos))
textAfter = textarea.value.substring(endPos)
selectedText = input.value.substring(startPos, endPos)
textBefore = input.value.substring(0, (startPos))
textAfter = input.value.substring(endPos)
selection = {
before: textBefore
after: textAfter
......@@ -36,13 +35,13 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
return selection
insertMarkup = (value, selectionStart, selectionEnd) ->
# New value is set for the textarea
textarea.value = value
# A new selection is set, or the cursor is positioned inside the textarea.
textarea.selectionStart = selectionStart
textarea.selectionEnd = selectionEnd
# Focus the textarea
# New value is set for the input
input.value = value
# A new selection is set, or the cursor is positioned inside the input.
input.selectionStart = selectionStart
input.selectionEnd = selectionEnd
# Focus the input
applyInlineMarkup = (markup, innertext)->
text = userSelection()
......@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
newstring = ""
index = text.before.length
if index == 0
# The selection takes place at the very start of the textarea
# The selection takes place at the very start of the input
for char in text.selection
if char == "\n"
newstring = newstring + "\n" + markup
......@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
index += 1
newlinedetected = false
if textarea.value.substring(index - 1).charAt(0) == "\n"
if input.value.substring(index - 1).charAt(0) == "\n"
# Look to see if the selection falls at the beginning of a new line.
newstring = newstring + markup
newlinedetected = true
......@@ -158,13 +157,13 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
end = (text.before + text.selection + markup).length
insertMarkup(value, start, end)
# Sets textarea value and selection for cases where there are new lines in the selection
# Sets input value and selection for cases where there are new lines in the selection
# or the selection is at the start
value = text.before + newstring + text.after
start = (text.before + newstring).length
end = (text.before + newstring).length
insertMarkup(value, start, end)
else if textarea.value.substring((text.start - 1 ), text.start) == "\n"
else if input.value.substring((text.start - 1 ), text.start) == "\n"
# Edge case, no selection, the cursor is on a new line.
value = text.before + markup + text.selection + text.after
start = (text.before + markup).length
......@@ -234,20 +233,20 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
if !scope.readonly
scope.preview = !scope.preview
if scope.preview = =
else =
$timeout -> input.focus() =
$timeout -> inputEl.focus()
# Re-render the markdown when the view needs updating.
ctrl.$render = ->
input.val (ctrl.$viewValue or '')
inputEl.val (ctrl.$viewValue or '')
scope.rendered = ($filter 'converter') (ctrl.$viewValue or '')
# React to the changes to the text area
input.bind 'blur change keyup', ->
ctrl.$setViewValue input.val()
# React to the changes to the input
inputEl.bind 'blur change keyup', ->
ctrl.$setViewValue inputEl.val()
# Reset height of output div incase it has been changed.
......@@ -257,7 +256,7 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
scope.preview = false = ""
unless readonly then $timeout -> input.focus()
unless readonly then $timeout -> inputEl.focus()
require: '?ngModel'
restrict: 'A'
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