Commit ccbb67be authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Fetch api tokens in a separate request

Instead of sending a token with the application view (which is really
more of a session state view), fetch it separately using the tokenUrl
option of the Auth plugin. Account for the case where known personas
could change in the future without invalidating the current persona
and reset the Auth plugin whenever the persona in use changes. Use the
persona parameter to the token endpoint to get the appropriate token.
parent 5edd74ee
......@@ -28,40 +28,38 @@ class App
{plugins, host, providers} = annotator
$scope.$watch 'auth.personas', (newValue, oldValue) =>
unless newValue?.length
authentication.persona = null
authentication.token = null
if newValue?.length
unless $scope.auth.persona and $scope.auth.persona in newValue
$scope.auth.persona = newValue[0]
$scope.auth.persona = null
$scope.$watch 'auth.persona', (newValue, oldValue) =>
if oldValue? and not newValue?
if annotator.discardDrafts()
# TODO: better knowledge of routes
authentication.$logout => $scope.$broadcast '$reset'
$scope.auth.persona = oldValue
else if newValue?
$scope.sheet.collapsed = true
$scope.sheet.collapsed = true
unless annotator.discardDrafts()
$scope.auth.persona = oldValue
$scope.$watch 'auth.token', (newValue, oldValue) =>
if plugins.Auth?
plugins.Auth.token = newValue
plugins.Auth.token = null
delete plugins.Auth
if plugins.Permissions?
# XXX: Temporary workaround until Annotator v2.0 or v1.2.10
plugins.Permissions.options.permissions =
read: []
update: []
delete: []
admin: []
# XXX: Temporary workaround until the fixed version upstream annotator is consumed
# The problem is that the permissions plugin, when setting the annotation.permissions property
# does not copy its options.permissions object, so modifying the annotation.permissions object
# modifes the plugin's options.permissions object too. After that this can be removed.
plugins.Permissions.options.permissions =
read: []
update: []
delete: []
admin: []
if newValue?
if not plugins.Auth?
annotator.addPlugin 'Auth', token: newValue
acct = "acct:#{newValue.username}@#{newValue.provider}"
annotator.addPlugin 'Auth',
tokenUrl: "/api/token?persona=#{acct}"
plugins.Auth.withToken (token) =>
plugins.Permissions._setAuthFromToken token
......@@ -75,8 +73,9 @@ class App
annotator.setTool 'highlight'
delete plugins.Auth
else if oldValue?
authentication.$logout => $scope.$broadcast '$reset'
if annotator.tool isnt 'comment'
annotator.setTool 'comment'
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