Commit d0e75278 authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Clean up emit function and bindings

parent 8561e2f5
......@@ -70,55 +70,48 @@ class CrossFrameSync
destructor: =>
$(window).off 'message', this._onMessage
_emit: (event) ->
@$rootScope.$emit(event, arguments)
_emit: (args...) ->
@$rootScope.$emit.apply(@$rootScope, args)
bind_channel_listeners: (channel) ->
# Channel message --> trigger events on $rootScope
.bind('beforeCreateAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
channel.bind 'beforeCreateAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
annotation = this._parse annotation
delete @cache[annotation.$$tag]
@_emit 'beforeAnnotationCreated', annotation
@cache[annotation.$$tag] = annotation
this._format annotation
.bind('createAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
channel.bind 'createAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
annotation = this._parse annotation
delete @cache[annotation.$$tag]
@_emit 'annotationCreated', annotation
@cache[annotation.$$tag] = annotation
this._format annotation
.bind('updateAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
channel.bind 'updateAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
annotation = this._parse annotation
delete @cache[annotation.$$tag]
@_emit('beforeAnnotationUpdated', [annotation])
@_emit('annotationUpdated', [annotation])
@cache[annotation.$$tag] = annotation
this._format annotation
.bind('deleteAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
channel.bind 'deleteAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
annotation = this._parse annotation
delete @cache[annotation.$$tag]
@_emit('annotationDeleted', [annotation])
res = this._format annotation
delete @cache[annotation.$$tag]
.bind('sync', (ctx, annotations) =>
channel.bind 'sync', (ctx, annotations) =>
(this._format (this._parse a) for a in annotations)
## Notifications
.bind('loadAnnotations', (txn, annotations) =>
channel.bind 'loadAnnotations', (txn, annotations) =>
annotations = (this._parse a for a in annotations)
@_emit('loadAnnotations', annotations)
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