Commit d53580a5 authored by Sean Hammond's avatar Sean Hammond

Use the USER_CHANGED event

parent 034ef9e9
### global -validate ###
events = require('../events')
# Validate an annotation.
# Annotations must be attributed to a user or marked as deleted.
# A public annotation is valid only if they have a body.
......@@ -59,6 +61,8 @@ AnnotationController = [
model = $scope.annotationGet()
model.user ?= session.state.userid
# Set the group of new annotations.
if not = groups.focused().id
......@@ -374,17 +378,15 @@ AnnotationController = [
, true
# Watch the current user
# TODO: fire events instead since watchers are not free and auth is rare
$scope.$watch (-> session.state.userid), (userid) ->
model.user ?= userid
$scope.$on(events.USER_CHANGED, ->
model.user ?= session.state.userid
# Set model.permissions on sign in, if it isn't already set.
# This is because you can create annotations when signed out and they
# will have model.permissions = null, then when you sign in we set the
# permissions correctly here.
model.permissions = model.permissions or permissions.default(
# Start editing brand new annotations immediately
unless or (this.isHighlight() and highlight) then this.edit()
{module, inject} = angular.mock
events = require('../../events')
describe 'annotation', ->
$compile = null
$document = null
......@@ -148,6 +150,7 @@ describe 'annotation', ->
assert.notCalled annotation.$create
fakeSession.state.userid = ''
$scope.$broadcast(events.USER_CHANGED, {})
assert.calledOnce annotation.$create
......@@ -645,6 +648,14 @@ describe("AnnotationController", ->
it("sets the user of new annotations", ->
annotation = {}
{session} = createAnnotationDirective({annotation: annotation})
assert.equal(annotation.user, session.state.userid)
it("sets the permissions of new annotations", ->
# This is a new annotation, doesn't have any permissions yet.
annotation = {group: "test-group"}
......@@ -720,6 +731,29 @@ describe("AnnotationController", ->
describe("when the user signs in", ->
it("sets the user of unsaved annotations", ->
# This annotation has no user yet, because that's what happens
# when you create a new annotation while not signed in.
annotation = {}
session = {state: {userid: null}} # Not signed in.
{$rootScope} = createAnnotationDirective(
{annotation: annotation, session:session})
# At this point we would not expect the user to have been set,
# even though the annotation has been created, because the user isn't
# signed in.
# Sign the user in.
session.state.userid = ""
# The session service would broadcast USER_CHANGED after sign in.
$rootScope.$broadcast(events.USER_CHANGED, {})
assert.equal(annotation.user, session.state.userid)
it("sets the permissions of unsaved annotations", ->
# This annotation has no permissions yet, because that's what happens
# when you create a new annotation while not signed in.
......@@ -749,7 +783,8 @@ describe("AnnotationController", ->
# is signed in.
permissions.default = -> "__default_permissions__"
$rootScope.$digest() # Trigger the $scope.$watch().
# The session service would broadcast USER_CHANGED after sign in.
$rootScope.$broadcast(events.USER_CHANGED, {})
assert.equal(annotation.permissions, "__default_permissions__")
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