Commit d95a2f0f authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

bump dom_text_matcher to 496e64b

parent 579cb7b2
......@@ -197,7 +197,10 @@ class window.DomTextMatcher
analysis.exact or # "Found text matches exactly to pattern"
(analysis.comparison.errorLevel <= matchThreshold) # still acceptable
mappings = @mapper.getMappingsForCharRange prefixEnd, suffixStart
match = $.extend {}, charRange, analysis, mappings
match = {}
for obj in [charRange, analysis, mappings]
for k, v of obj
match[k] = v
return matches: [match]
# console.log "Rejecting the match, because error level is too high. (" +
......@@ -253,7 +256,10 @@ class window.DomTextMatcher
analysis = @analyzeMatch pattern, textMatch, fuzzyComparison
mappings = @mapper.getMappingsForCharRange textMatch.start,
match = $.extend {}, textMatch, analysis, mappings
match = {}
for obj in [charRange, analysis, mappings]
for k, v of obj
match[k] = v
matches.push match
t3 = @timestamp()
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