Commit db61d527 authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Updated annotator to 04d14657 (fix-event-signature branch)

parent 76e7496b
......@@ -825,8 +825,8 @@ class Annotator extends Delegator
for anchor in @anchors[index] ? []
anchor.virtualize index
onAnchorMouseover: (event, annotations, highlightType) ->
#console.log "Mouse over annotations:", annotations
onAnchorMouseover: (event) ->
#console.log "Mouse over annotations:", event
# Cancel any pending hiding of the viewer.
......@@ -835,17 +835,18 @@ class Annotator extends Delegator
# already displaying the viewer
return false if @mouseIsDown or @viewer.isShown()
this.showViewer(annotations, util.mousePosition(event, @wrapper[0]))
util.mousePosition(event, @wrapper[0])
onAnchorMouseout: (event, annotations, highlightType) ->
#console.log "Mouse out on annotations:", annotations
onAnchorMouseout: (event) ->
#console.log "Mouse out on annotations:", event
onAnchorMousedown: (event, annotations, highlightType) ->
#console.log "Mouse down on annotations:", annotations
onAnchorMousedown: (event) ->
#console.log "Mouse down on annotations:", event
onAnchorClick: (event, annotations, highlightType) ->
#console.log "Click on annotations:", annotations
onAnchorClick: (event) ->
#console.log "Click on annotations:", event
# Create namespace for Annotator plugins
class Annotator.Plugin extends Delegator
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ class Delegator
# bindTo - Selector String matching child elements. (default: @element)
# event - The event to listen for.
# functionName - A String function name to bind to the event.
# eventData - eventData to pass to jQuery (which will be present in
# Examples
......@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ class Delegator
# instance.addEvent('form :input', 'focus', 'onInputFocus')
# Returns itself.
addEvent: (bindTo, event, functionName) ->
addEvent: (bindTo, event, functionName, eventData = null) ->
f = if typeof functionName is 'string'
......@@ -94,12 +95,13 @@ class Delegator
bindTo = @element if isBlankSelector
if typeof bindTo is 'string'
@element.delegate bindTo, event, closure
@element.delegate bindTo, event, eventData, closure
if this.isCustomEvent(event)
# TODO: no way to support eventData here?
this.subscribe event, closure
$(bindTo).bind event, closure
$(bindTo).bind event, eventData, closure
......@@ -33,17 +33,25 @@ class TextHighlight extends Annotator.Highlight
# Make a proper array out of the list
TextHighlight.$.makeArray annotations
annotator.addEvent ".annotator-hl", "mouseover", (event) =>
annotator.onAnchorMouseover event, getAnnotations event, @highlightType
annotator.addEvent ".annotator-hl", "mouseout", (event) =>
annotator.onAnchorMouseout event, getAnnotations event, @highlightType
annotator.addEvent ".annotator-hl", "mousedown", (event) =>
annotator.onAnchorMousedown event, getAnnotations event, @highlightType
annotator.addEvent ".annotator-hl", "click", (event) =>
annotator.onAnchorClick event, getAnnotations event, @highlightType
annotator.addEvent ".annotator-hl", "mouseover",
((event) => annotator.onAnchorMouseover event),
type: @highlightType
getAnnotations: (event) => getAnnotations event
annotator.addEvent ".annotator-hl", "mouseout",
((event) => annotator.onAnchorMouseout event),
type: @highlightType
getAnnotations: (event) => getAnnotations event
annotator.addEvent ".annotator-hl", "mousedown",
((event) => annotator.onAnchorMousedown event),
type: @highlightType
getAnnotations: (event) => getAnnotations event
annotator.addEvent ".annotator-hl", "click",
((event) => annotator.onAnchorClick event)
type: @highlightType
getAnnotations: (event) => getAnnotations event
@_inited.push annotator
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3
** Annotator 1.2.6-dev-b10dad7
** Annotator 1.2.6-dev-04d1465
** Copyright 2012 Aron Carroll, Rufus Pollock, and Nick Stenning.
** Dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv3 licenses.
** Built at: 2014-03-29 07:07:40Z
** Built at: 2014-03-31 08:53:05Z
......@@ -325,9 +325,12 @@
return _results;
Delegator.prototype.addEvent = function(bindTo, event, functionName) {
Delegator.prototype.addEvent = function(bindTo, event, functionName, eventData) {
var closure, f, isBlankSelector,
_this = this;
if (eventData == null) {
eventData = null;
f = typeof functionName === 'string' ? this[functionName] : functionName;
closure = function() {
return f.apply(_this, arguments);
......@@ -337,12 +340,12 @@
bindTo = this.element;
if (typeof bindTo === 'string') {
this.element.delegate(bindTo, event, closure);
this.element.delegate(bindTo, event, eventData, closure);
} else {
if (this.isCustomEvent(event)) {
this.subscribe(event, closure);
} else {
$(bindTo).bind(event, closure);
$(bindTo).bind(event, eventData, closure);
return this;
......@@ -1694,21 +1697,21 @@
return _results;
Annotator.prototype.onAnchorMouseover = function(event, annotations, highlightType) {
Annotator.prototype.onAnchorMouseover = function(event) {
if (this.mouseIsDown || this.viewer.isShown()) {
return false;
return this.showViewer(annotations, util.mousePosition(event, this.wrapper[0]));
return this.showViewer(, util.mousePosition(event, this.wrapper[0]));
Annotator.prototype.onAnchorMouseout = function(event, annotations, highlightType) {
Annotator.prototype.onAnchorMouseout = function(event) {
return this.startViewerHideTimer();
Annotator.prototype.onAnchorMousedown = function(event, annotations, highlightType) {};
Annotator.prototype.onAnchorMousedown = function(event) {};
Annotator.prototype.onAnchorClick = function(event, annotations, highlightType) {};
Annotator.prototype.onAnchorClick = function(event) {};
return Annotator;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
** Dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv3 licenses.
** Built at: 2014-03-29 07:07:50Z
** Built at: 2014-03-31 08:40:00Z
......@@ -55,17 +55,37 @@
return TextHighlight.$.makeArray(annotations);
annotator.addEvent(".annotator-hl", "mouseover", function(event) {
return annotator.onAnchorMouseover(event, getAnnotations(event, _this.highlightType));
annotator.addEvent(".annotator-hl", "mouseover", (function(event) {
return annotator.onAnchorMouseover(event);
}), {
type: this.highlightType,
getAnnotations: function(event) {
return getAnnotations(event);
annotator.addEvent(".annotator-hl", "mouseout", function(event) {
return annotator.onAnchorMouseout(event, getAnnotations(event, _this.highlightType));
annotator.addEvent(".annotator-hl", "mouseout", (function(event) {
return annotator.onAnchorMouseout(event);
}), {
type: this.highlightType,
getAnnotations: function(event) {
return getAnnotations(event);
annotator.addEvent(".annotator-hl", "mousedown", function(event) {
return annotator.onAnchorMousedown(event, getAnnotations(event, _this.highlightType));
annotator.addEvent(".annotator-hl", "mousedown", (function(event) {
return annotator.onAnchorMousedown(event);
}), {
type: this.highlightType,
getAnnotations: function(event) {
return getAnnotations(event);
annotator.addEvent(".annotator-hl", "click", function(event) {
return annotator.onAnchorClick(event, getAnnotations(event, _this.highlightType));
annotator.addEvent(".annotator-hl", "click", (function(event) {
return annotator.onAnchorClick(event);
}), {
type: this.highlightType,
getAnnotations: function(event) {
return getAnnotations(event);
return this._inited.push(annotator);
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