Commit dbdc90f5 authored by gergely-ujvari's avatar gergely-ujvari

Collect all quote items for Page search

Originaly visual-search automatically collects the text fields into one space separated list.
But it does not do the same for any other field type, so we have to collect our search facet's values for quotes manually.

This changes now expects that our quote search results are a list and handles it like this all the way. (Even for generating the highlightQuote attribute)
Now if multiple query facets are given it assumes an 'AND' relation between them.

A nice future task will be makes this page search configurable as like the stream facets, but that should come after viewer/page search unification
parent a95714ae
......@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ class App
parsedQuery =
text: ''
tags: []
quote: []
for searchItem in searchCollection.models
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'scope' and
......@@ -289,12 +290,12 @@ class App
value = searchItem.attributes.value
# Stuff we need to collect
if category in ['text', 'quote', 'user', 'time', 'group']
if category in ['text', 'user', 'time', 'group']
parsedQuery[category] = value
# Tags are specials, because we collect those into an array
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'tag'
parsedQuery.tags.push value.toLowerCase()
if category in ['tag', 'quote']
parsedQuery[category].push value.toLowerCase()
if whole_document
annotations = annotator.plugins.Store.annotations
......@@ -861,13 +862,19 @@ class Search
# Create the regexps for highlighting the matches inside the annotations' bodies
$scope.text_tokens = $routeParams.in_body_text.split ' '
$scope.text_regexp = []
$scope.quote = $routeParams.quote
$scope.quote_regexp = new RegExp($scope.quote ,"ig")
$scope.quote_tokens = $routeParams.quote
$scope.quote_regexp = []
# Saving the regexps and higlighter to the annotator for highlighttext regeneration
for token in $scope.text_tokens
regexp = new RegExp(token,"ig")
$scope.text_regexp.push regexp
# Saving the regexps and higlighter to the annotator for highlighttext regeneration
for token in $scope.quote_tokens
regexp = new RegExp(token,"ig")
$scope.quote_regexp.push regexp
annotator.text_regexp = $scope.text_regexp
annotator.quote_regexp = $scope.quote_regexp
annotator.highlighter = $scope.highlighter
threads = []
......@@ -908,10 +915,13 @@ class Search
$scope.ann_info.more_top[] = setMoreTop(, thread.message)
$scope.ann_info.more_bottom[] = setMoreBottom(, thread.message)
if $scope.quote?.length > 0
if $scope.quote_tokens?.length > 0
$scope.ann_info.show_quote[] = true
for target in
target.highlightQuote = $sce.trustAsHtml target.quote.replace $scope.quote_regexp, $scope.highlighter
target.highlightQuote = target.quote
for regexp in $scope.quote_regexp
target.highlightQuote = target.highlightQuote.replace regexp, $scope.highlighter
target.highlightQuote = $sce.trustAsHtml target.highlightQuote
if target.diffHTML?
target.trustedDiffHTML = $sce.trustAsHtml target.diffHTML
target.showDiff = not target.diffCaseOnly
......@@ -657,10 +657,13 @@ class ViewFilter
results = []
# Convert these fields to lower case, if they exist
for key in ['text', 'quote', 'user']
for key in ['text', 'user']
if query[key]?
query[key] = query[key].toLowerCase()
# We expect a list for quotes (e) -> e.toLowerCase()
for annotation in annotations
matches = true
for category, value of query
......@@ -687,9 +690,14 @@ class ViewFilter
found = false
for target in
if target.quote? and target.quote.toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1
found = true
if target.quote?
quote = target.quote.toLowerCase()
for val in value
if quote.indexOf(val) > -1
found = true
found = false
unless found
matches = false
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