Commit dc769d1b authored by Ujvari Gergely's avatar Ujvari Gergely

Basic visual search facets for streamsearch

parent 54249a9f
get_quote = (annotation) ->
if annotation.quote? then return annotation.quote
if not 'target' in annotation then return ''
quote = '(Reply annotation)'
for target in annotation['target']
for selector in target['selector']
if selector['type'] is 'TextQuoteSelector'
quote = selector['exact'] + ' '
class StreamSearch class StreamSearch
this.inject = ['$element','$scope'] this.inject = ['$element', '$location', '$scope', '$timeout', 'streamfilter']
constructor: ( constructor: (
$element, $scope $element, $location, $scope, $timeout, streamfilter
) -> ) ->
$scope.path = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':' +
window.location.port + '/__streamer__'
# Generate client ID
buffer = new Array(16)
uuid.v4 null, buffer, 0
@clientID = uuid.unparse buffer
# Read search params
search_query = '' search_query = ''
params = $
if params.query?
search_query = params.query
# Initialize Visual search
@search = VS.init @search = VS.init
container: $element.find('.visual-search') container: $element.find('.visual-search')
query: search_query query: search_query
callbacks: callbacks:
search: (query, searchCollection) => search: (query, searchCollection) =>
console.log 'search' console.log 'search'
# Do not search when no facet is given
unless searchCollection.models.length > 0
# Past data limit
limit = 100
# First cluster the different facets into categories
categories = {}
for searchItem in searchCollection.models
category = searchItem.attributes.category
value = searchItem.attributes.value
if category is 'limit' then limit = value
if category is 'text'
# Visualsearch sickly automatically cluster the text field
# (and only the text filed) into a space separated string
catlist = []
for val in value.split ' '
catlist.push val
categories[category] = catlist
if category in categories then categories[category].push value
else categories[category] = [value]
# Assemble the filter json
filter =
console.log categories
for category, value of categories
if value.length is 1
filter.addClausesParse(category + ':i=' + value)
filter.addClausesParse(category + ':i[' + value)
$scope.initStream filter.getFilter()
# Update the parameters
'query' : query
facetMatches: (callback) => facetMatches: (callback) =>
return callback ['text','tag', 'quote', 'scope', 'group','time','user'], {preserveOrder: true} return callback ['text','tag', 'quote','time','user', 'limit'], {preserveOrder: true}
valueMatches: (facet, searchTerm, callback) -> valueMatches: (facet, searchTerm, callback) ->
switch facet switch facet
when 'group' then callback ['Public', 'Private'] when 'limit' then callback [0, 10, 25, 100, 250, 1000]
when 'scope' then callback ['sidebar', 'document']
when 'time' when 'time'
callback ['5 min', '30 min', '1 hour', '12 hours', '1 day', '1 week', '1 month', '1 year'], {preserveOrder: true} callback ['5 min', '30 min', '1 hour', '12 hours', '1 day', '1 week', '1 month', '1 year'], {preserveOrder: true}
clearSearch: (original) =>
console.log 'clearSearch triggered'
# Execute clearSearch's internal method for resetting search
$ {}
$scope.initStream = (filter) ->
if $scope.sock? then $scope.sock.close()
$scope.annotations = new Array()
$scope.sock = new SockJS($scope.path)
$scope.sock.onopen = =>
sockmsg =
filter: filter
clientID: @clientID
$scope.sock.send JSON.stringify sockmsg
$scope.sock.onclose = =>
# stream is closed
$scope.sock.onmessage = (msg) =>
console.log 'Got something'
console.log msg
unless and is 'annotation-notification'
data =
action =
unless data instanceof Array then data = [data]
$scope.$apply =>
$scope.manage_new_data data, action
$scope.manage_new_data = (data, action) =>
for annotation in data
annotation.action = action
annotation.quote = get_quote annotation
annotation._share_link = window.location.protocol +
'//' + window.location.hostname + ':' + window.location.port + "/a/" +
annotation._anim = 'fade'
switch action
when 'create', 'past'
unless annotation in $scope.annotations
$scope.annotations.unshift annotation
when 'update'
index = 0
for ann in $scope.annotations
if is
# Remove the original
$scope.annotations.splice index,1
# Put back the edited
$scope.annotations.unshift annotation
index +=1
when 'delete'
for ann in $scope.annotations
if is
$scope.annotations.splice index,1
index +=1
$scope.annotations = []
if search_query.length > 0
$timeout => @search.searchBox.value(),
angular.module('h.streamsearch',['bootstrap']) angular.module('h.streamsearch',['h.streamfilter','h.filters','h.directives','bootstrap'])
.controller('StreamSearchController', StreamSearch) .controller('StreamSearchController', StreamSearch)
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