Commit dcab98ab authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Added position-based anchoir rettachment strategy. Now we can handle DOM structure changes.

parent 2766e46d
** Annotator 1.2.5-dev-4109850
** Annotator 1.2.5-dev-f066e48
** Copyright 2012 Aron Carroll, Rufus Pollock, and Nick Stenning.
** Dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv3 licenses.
** Built at: 2013-03-03 22:22:50Z
** Built at: 2013-03-03 22:52:56Z
(function() {
......@@ -872,43 +872,66 @@
Annotator.prototype.findAnchorFromXPathRangeSelector = function(target) {
var currentQuote, endOffset, nRange, quoteSelector, savedQuote, selector, startOffset;
var currentQuote, endOffset, nRange, savedQuote, selector, startOffset;
selector = this.findSelector(target.selector, "xpath range");
if (selector != null) {
try {
nRange = this.getNormalizedRangeFromXPathRangeSelector(selector);
quoteSelector = this.findSelector(target.selector, "context+quote");
savedQuote = quoteSelector != null ? quoteSelector.exact : void 0;
if (savedQuote != null) {
startOffset = (this.domMapper.getInfoForNode(nRange.start)).start;
endOffset = (this.domMapper.getInfoForNode(nRange.end)).end;
currentQuote = this.domMapper.getContentForRange(startOffset, endOffset);
if (currentQuote !== savedQuote) {
console.log("Could not apply XPath selector to current document, because the quote has changed.");
console.log("Saved quote is '" + savedQuote + "'.");
console.log("Current quote is '" + currentQuote + "'.");
return null;
} else {
return nRange;
} catch (exception) {
if (exception instanceof Range.RangeError) {
console.log("Could not apply XPath selector to current document. Structure must have changed.");
if (selector == null) return null;
try {
nRange = this.getNormalizedRangeFromXPathRangeSelector(selector);
savedQuote = this.getQuoteForTarget(target);
if (savedQuote != null) {
startOffset = (this.domMapper.getInfoForNode(nRange.start)).start;
endOffset = (this.domMapper.getInfoForNode(nRange.end)).end;
currentQuote = this.domMapper.getContentForRange(startOffset, endOffset);
if (currentQuote !== savedQuote) {
console.log("Could not apply XPath selector to current document, because the quote has changed.");
console.log("Saved quote is '" + savedQuote + "'.");
console.log("Current quote is '" + currentQuote + "'.");
return null;
} else {
throw exception;
} else {
return nRange;
} catch (exception) {
if (exception instanceof Range.RangeError) {
console.log("Could not apply XPath selector to current document. Structure must have changed.");
return null;
} else {
throw exception;
return null;
Annotator.prototype.findAnchorFromPositionSelector = function(target) {
var browserRange, currentQuote, mappings, savedQuote, selector;
selector = this.findSelector(target.selector, "position");
if (selector == null) return null;
savedQuote = this.getQuoteForTarget(target);
if (savedQuote != null) {
savedQuote = this.getQuoteForTarget(target);
currentQuote = this.domMapper.getContentForRange(selector.start, selector.end);
if (currentQuote !== savedQuote) {
console.log("Could not apply position selector to current document, because the quote has changed.");
console.log("Saved quote is '" + savedQuote + "'.");
console.log("Current quote is '" + currentQuote + "'.");
return null;
} else {
} else {
mappings = this.domMapper.getMappingsForRange(selector.start, selector.end);
browserRange = new Range.BrowserRange(mappings.range);
return browserRange.normalize();
Annotator.prototype.findAnchor = function(target) {
var anchor;
anchor = this.findAnchorFromXPathRangeSelector(target);
anchor || (anchor = this.findAnchorFromPositionSelector(target));
return anchor;
......@@ -923,12 +946,18 @@
_ref2 =;
for (_k = 0, _len3 = _ref2.length; _k < _len3; _k++) {
t = _ref2[_k];
r = this.findAnchor(t);
if (r != null) {
} else {
console.log("Could not find anchor for annotation target '" + + "' (for annotation '" + + "').");
this.publish('findAnchorFail', [annotation, t]);
try {
r = this.findAnchor(t);
if (r != null) {
} else {
console.log("Could not find anchor for annotation target '" + + "' (for annotation '" + + "').");
this.publish('findAnchorFail', [annotation, t]);
} catch (exception) {
if (exception.stack != null) console.log(exception.stack);
annotation.currentQuote = [];
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